Basic book on flyfishing for a beginner?



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Dear Board,

I don't think I ever posted on this section of the forum so here's my opening salvo.

My brother has asked me for a basic book on fly fishing that would serve as an introduction to someone in their early 20's who lives in Costa Rica.

Most of the reading about fly fishing that I have done has been either books written from a historical perspective or fictional tales of fishing adventures.

I'm looking for a sort of short-course primer type book. The only one that I can even think of the "The Curtis Creek Manifesto" and I don't think that is even in print anymore?

Do any of you have any suggestions, because I'm lost?

If this helps with your suggestions this will give you an idea of what kind of fishing opportunities are present in Costa Rica, from my brother's email to me, "You would be surprised at the number of opportunities they have there - or maybe you wouldn't. It is a country the size of WV with 14,000 ft peaks; and an ocean on either side of it. Kind of makes for some potential! There are trout; a species of fish like a largemouth called machaca; and of course all sorts of saltwater fish."

I think I want to go to Costa Rica?


Tim Murphy :)
Best one in my opinion is Joe Humphrey's Trout Tactics....

"Flyfishermans Primer" by Fling and Puterbaugh. Excellent Introduction to the sport.

Another good introduction
Prospecting for Trout

By Tom Rosenbauer-Thoroughly updated and bursting with full-color photographs and detailed illustrations, this is the book you need when fly fishing for trout when there is no specific hatch. Learn how trout live and feed and how to make them strike with this trout fishing book. Features expert advice on fishing with wet flies, dry flies, nymphs, and streamers. This guide is a must-have for any trout fisherman. The Lyons Press, 191 pages, paperback
" Flyfishing for Dummies" It is a great first book for the beginner.
I think the orvis fly fishers guide is about as good as it gets for explaining everything.
Though I am disappointed with JH's selling out to the evil empire, his book is a good primer. I gave my softbound copy to a young flyfisher a couple years ago; but, hypocrite that I am, I have not yet given away my hardbound copy.

Anyhow, his book would be a good one for a beginner.
Dear TimM,

I will 2nd and 3rd the LL bean and Orvis books. I have the Orvis FF handbook as well as their Prospecting 4 Trout book ... IMHO, Rosenbauer knows his stuff and is an excellent read for the beginner. I have LL Beans FF for Bass book which i think is good as all LL Bean FF products.

Orvis also has a ton of videos on their site geared towards the beginner FF ...

Have him start there and move arnd the site for more tips.

Hope this helps.

I found The Curtis Creek Manifesto to be both informing and entertaining -
For someone in Costa Rica, I think the Rosenbauer Orvis guide would be best. It doesn't just concentrate on trout. Parts of it are on saltwater fishing, too.