Bamboo Rod Repair?



Jun 4, 2014
I recently purchased a refinished bamboo rod. Fun little rod to fish. It came with a spare tip that is unfortunately damaged.

Whats the best way to go about repairing the damage? Is this a DIY'able thing or is there anyone located to Pittsburgh (Monroeville area) that repairs bamboo rods?

Picture of said damage -

My thought was to remove the damaged piece outta the ferrule, then clean up the ferrule. Then sand down the rod so it fits in the ferrule and epoxy it in place.

Yeah, that's basically what you're going to have do, plus re-wrap the ferrule. If you've ever wrapped a rod, it's a fairly easy task.

You might want to go on the Classic Fly Rod Forum to ask for further advice. (Go to the Rod Making, Restoration, Repairs subforum.)
Thanks for the tip. Ive never wrapped a rod before. Ill have to check that link out. Thanks.

I just realized my pictures didnt load since photobucket sucks, here they are again.


Tim Zietak is out in your neck of the woods and does great work, just wrapped up one of his blanks yesterday. He should be able to handle that repair no problem.

He's also on the Classic Flyrod forum mentioned above, he goes by 'quadrate' over there.

There is also an additional step or two to regluing the ferrule which is binding down the tabs with a heavier thread/chord while the glue sets up, it could also have been pinned. Which is why I leave any ferrule work I need done to the pros...
If that male step-down ferrule is pinned, as a novice, your degree of difficulty will go up exponentially. That break is indicative of the rod being twisted while assembling/disassembling I would guess. Gently score the old winding (parallel) with an exacto knife or razor blade to split it and peel off. Buff off all the old varnish with 4/0 steel wool then look closely for a pin passing completely through the ferrule. (Magnification will help greatly). If it is pinned a small pin punch will be needed to drive or push it out. The ferrule may be crowned with tabs or swaged and that will be a factor in removing the broken stub of cane inside. Low,slow heat will probably be needed to remove it and hopefully you'll be able to grasp it (the cane)with larger hemostats,small needle-nose pliers or smallest vise-grips while gently heating it over an alcohol lamp. So as not to score the male slide during this step I slip a piece of aquarium hose over both jaws of the tool I hold the ferrule with to "cushion" it. (Wooden ferrule pliers are also used). A very small fob of 4/0 steel wool on a small wooden dowel will enable you to clean & polish the inside and a q-tip with DNA will remove all residue to prep for resetting. A Dremel or extra fine toothed coping saw or jewelers saw will be needed to remove the splintered end of the tip. Make sure you check for delamination or splitting towards the first guide before you do the square off cut. (A few wraps of masking tape where you make the cut will help prevent further splintering.). You should be ready to reassemble if all has gone well. Like all restorations,remodeling & rebuilding there's always unknown factors that jump up and the cost of professional repair vs. the overall value of the rod may prove to be cost prohibitive. Hope this helps somewhat and good luck.