Bad news for PA waterways



Oct 17, 2006
Yet another result of water pollution...intersex fish.
This isn't exactly new news, mainly of the problems with the smallmouth bass population have been linked to endocrine disruption and inter sex characteristics in smallmouths in the Susquehanna has been noted in studies for a few years now.
As noted, this story has been around. It caused considerable alarm severl years ago when this condition was seen in bass in the Potomac (the Potomac, by the way, has excellent bass fishing then and now). My guess is, as studies expand, this condition will be found to be quite widespread. I believe Vicki Blazer (sic?) is the main research scientist studying this problem and we have linked to her reports in the past.
This has been discovered in other waters and other fish species as well. For example, Lake Meade.

However, has it been discovered in any waters that are not laden with endocrine disrupting chemicals?

Maybe it also explains some of the increase in gender confusion of your children,

My sister worked in a nursing home and in the case of a death or change in medications, they were required to flush the unused drugs down the commode. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where those end up. And then there are the "more natural" sources that end up in treatment plants and that from farm animals.

It makes me glad that I have well water. That and no water or sewer bill.;-)

While growing up in NWPA, we used to say, flush twice, it's a long ways to Pittsburgh.
But it hasn't changed so reminding folks about the issue is a good thing.