Backwoods on Black Friday



New member
Dec 11, 2014
Nice write up and pictures. I recognize the stream...I fished it once in late May in what should've been primo conditions. I caught a handful of small Brookies and one small Brown, but felt like it should've fished better. I remember missing a real nice one that I believe was a 10" or better Brookie though.

Sounds like it fished pretty well for you...a warming trend in late Fall/early Winter can turn em' on sometimes, and with 60ish air temperatures I'm not surprised they took dries.

That trail along it was a bit of a curse for me the day I fished it...I kept pressing on knowing I essentially had a superhighway to walk back on. I ended up burning a whole day fishing way upstream when the better move on that day was probably to cut bait and go somewhere else.
Thank. Yeah it seems like there is a decent number of trout there. I've never fished it too far up, both times it took me about a half hour to hike back to my car. It's strange that the stream didn't fish well in May...
Brookies and rhodo... Nothing goes hand-in-hand like those two! :-o

I also want to add to your list:

#6. Our Creator for blessing us with the beauty of the quarry we pursue. His paintbrush strokes are beyond anything we could ever create with our own hands!
I haven't been out on my "local, neighborhood" brookie stream in a while. I'll have to make it out soon before old man winter sets in....and after rifle season ends of course.