Backs against the well the final chapter



May 29, 2009
Well its been awhile and i wanted to see what was going to happen in my area about natural gas drilling and development.Well i see know whats going to happen,Your screwed if you think that you might matter in the least,if you dont sigh a lease for drilling or pipe lines it is not going to make a difference in the final order of things,You will have to deal with all the truck traffic,Lights,noise,men from multiple states that you do not know around and on your property,and the possibility of pollulted water and spills of chemicals.The gas companys are pushing forced polling again and at some point they are going to win.Im sorry to say what everyone in my area has already said (Your not going to stop it so just take the money)Im a firm believer that no man should be forced to do anything he does not want to do but im afraid that you will just be sitting there watching the people next door driving new trucks while you starve.Im going to have wells infront and behind my house no matter what i do.Please all wish my self and all the other people who are going to have to directly deal with this wonderful or devastating affacects of the natural gas industry luck.Im afraid that they have broken my back .Its not about the money to be but a man can only take so much.Still not sighed but probely will be soon.Melvin P Wyoming county PA
melvinp wrote:
Still not sighed but probely will be soon.Melvin P Wyoming county PA

Freudian slip....sounds to me like you are quite "sighed" I think you meant SigNed.

Good luck with your mental dilemma Melvin. For as much as I have always wanted a place in the northern tier, I am kinda glad I was never able to pull it off. It would have been heartbreaking.

I feel for those up there. I feel for myself in potentially not being able to enjoy the Penns Woods as I had in the past, even though I had to drive there to enjoy it.
I don't blame you for signing(sighing!!) I'd probably do it as well. friends of mine just signed, got 3200 an acre. they were/are against it, but in the end, they really had no choice, might as well take the money. luckily they don't live on that land and have no well to worry about.
I'm going to have my own water tested soon, wells are on the horizon. I have to mineral rights and won't make a dime from any of it, but I value my water and will monitor it religiously.
Hold out as long as you can Melvin! Maybe you can get a few extra bucks out of the deal. I hope you get more than your neighbors who basically sold you out and turned your paradise into an industrial mess! Good luck my friend.
Im afraid it past the hold out stage,prices are going down now,the gas companys are waiting for the state to give in to forced pooling.You can bet your bottom dollar that they will.
of course they will, the gas industry makes their own rules, they have key people in all the right government posititions.
That's right Melvin. Just drink the kool-aid. Be part of the Collective... we are all one!!!

Seriously, I applaud you for holding out. However, I think you should sign and get the money. Out might as well get something for all the mess.
Another nearby house with a bunch of melted pipes do to someone playing with a lighter in there kitchen sink,I think that ill hold out awhile longer.Do you think i will have better luck being sighed or not being sighed when i cant drink my water.
Be careful, as it sounds like a possibility you could be singed as well.
melvinp wrote:
Another nearby house with a bunch of melted pipes do to someone playing with a lighter in there kitchen sink,I think that ill hold out awhile longer.Do you think i will have better luck being sighed or not being sighed when i cant drink my water.

Well look at it this way, if you don't sign you may not be able to drink the water either....because once the aquifer is spoiled, nobody drinks. So might as well have some "water money" from the whole deal.
just found out a permit was approved for a well within mile and a half of my house. I'm picking up a water test kit next week, sending a sample into penn state now, and then maybe every month or so once drilling starts. I'm not taking any chances, I don't trust these companies, and I want a baseline reading before any activity takes place and I will monitor it regularly. I'm not gonna make a dime off these damn wells, but I'm not gonna be stuck with a worthless piece of property from a ruined water well either.
can't wait for the white pickup and tanker truck brigade to begin.
Cross are fingers and shove are heads up are butts so we cant hear it coming.
bikerfish wrote:
just found out a permit was approved for a well within mile and a half of my house. I'm picking up a water test kit next week, sending a sample into penn state now, and then maybe every month or so once drilling starts. I'm not taking any chances, I don't trust these companies, and I want a baseline reading before any activity takes place and I will monitor it regularly. I'm not gonna make a dime off these damn wells, but I'm not gonna be stuck with a worthless piece of property from a ruined water well either.
can't wait for the white pickup and tanker truck brigade to begin.

I'd put a water filter inline with the cold water line in my kitchen. Not very expensive and provide a bit of insurance. You can get carbon elements to put in. I put them in my camper and later in my house even though I'm on a public system.

I am fairly certain you have to have the water sample taken by an accredited third party for it to be worth anything in court. That is what the Penn state extension office repeatedly preached at local gas meetings in Potter county. Too much room for mistake or dishonesty if it is taken by you.

I was fortunate, Shell paid to have my water sampled and tested for me, everything came out good so now I have something to base a claim on should my water go bad.
Cheesy did mine free to.The gas industry does not want to pollute the water but it does happen.Well it will be a guess what will happen if a problem occures,but if it does the property will be worthless.Whats worth more cleen water or natural gas.
no offers from gas company to test water as yet. there are a couple wells to the south of me that have gotten contaminated, people had to move out of their homes. gas company is trying to make it hush hush. don't know what the outcome will be. the people are NOT happy.
I don't trust the bastards and never will.
Im afraid i agree
i live in bucks rite on the delaware, anything goin down there?
probably not...
There are more wells that are not even listed on that site.One going in less than a mile as the crow flys from me,I expect drill in a couple of weeks.