back the brookie

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
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Active member
Sep 9, 2006
i saw on those data maps that some parts of pa are not registered for thier impairment. they are unknown. i am going to try to get some streams i know of studied and monitored so the can become part of the mix of the program. i suggest others to try and do the same. any thoughts?
also any of you guys volunteer for the program? i belong to a tu in the north but volunteered for back the brookie down here in the SE. what do you guys think of the program and how we could help? thanks.
Now you're talking!

I have donated to it.

The program, especially which, eastern brook trout collaborative appears to be a very comprehensive program focused on habitat restoration/preservation/water quality/invasive species. Just my cup of tea.

I am in the process of setting up a charity on ebay where I will sell rods I build and have the proceeds go to trout conservation. My first project will be a series of "brush rods" promoting and having the proceeds go to the "back the brookie" campaign.

Unfortunately, my closest TU is an hour away and is mostly a social organization that focuses on stocking warmwater streams for a put and take fishing experience. This chapter is unforntunately the only chapter that I am able to attend and be within my pager for I'm "stuck" creating my own conservation projects.

I totally agree that there appears to be gaps in the published range maps. Especially when it comes to potential brook trout habitat. Need some bushwacking fisherman as yourself to document some new watersheds.
glad to see someone is interested in this subject.
yep thats what iam now working on, i know of many streams down here that need monitored. thank you for the response!

i belive that this is the greatest program effort to date. i challenge mike to reply and let us know where the pfbc stands on this subject.
The program is just getting started, I have posted information on the program on the PA Trout Unlimited web site. In SE PA we are moving forward with identifying streams with brookie populations. I've got a list from PFBC to start with. The SE Chapters have started working on this and we've met twice to design an approach. It basically starts with identifying streams, then prioritizing streams from the list we have as to access, ownership, and various other parameters. All the SE Chapters are on board with the program, and we had the State Coordinator down (Jack Williams PhD.) to bring us up to speed. Ken U came down too. What we've put together is a sound approach and as it turns out is how the state program will approach the program.
The are hundreds of brookie stream in SE PA, some in good shape others threatened, but all need a watchful eye on them. Contact me for more information.
There is also an article that I wrote in the last issue of PA Trout about the program.
fished my favorite sepa brookie stream today and caught alot of fish.

here, besides poor land management, is what i belive to be the greatest threat in sepa.
just look how the stream bank erodes into the stream. heres another. from this point down......the fish are less. probably due to the sand/silt in the streambed.
i know it is a lot of work to fix but the rewards:
good stuff here!
Gene Macri, there's a name I haven't heard in a while. I was trying to remember his name a little while ago when we were talking about Big Spring. He and Dr. Black did a lot of work to support removal of the PFBC hatchery there, and he had some spirited discussions on this board.
hey guys. i have been having a pretty productive week. so far i have identified 2 brookie streams not on the natural reproduction list. any of you bush wackin anglers doing the same. i pretty stoked about it....i cant wait for the back the brookie program to get into full swing here. ive been researching these streams and many others to help locate problems with habitat. but for now just trying to find all the streams. any of you brookie guys doing the same?