Back against the well or wall as they say.



May 29, 2009
Well folks here it it plain and simple(Do you stand for your morals or do you do what everyone has already done.Its my last stand.Wells on both sides all land around sighed so what would the general population do.Would you not sigh and deal with it all for nothing or would you sigh because you feel you have no choice.Not happy with my options.Melvin p Wyoming county.
C-4 and stealthiness under the cover of darkness.

Wells gone!

'nuff said.
Thats a VERY bad idea from anyones viewpoint.

5 wells within sight of the house I grew up in and where my family still lives, they are shallow wells though. It's absolute #$% during the drill/frack process, but much better once the wells are in and producing, the trucks leave, the pad shrinks, the noise stops, etc. You're left with some pipes sticking out of the ground and some condensate tanks, maybe a half acre fence around it all, and a truck visits it now and then. For the shallow wells that took about a year per site to get to that point, but I think it's more like 4-6 years for Marcellus due to being up to 12 wells per site (and then they start a new site a mile down the road). So about all I can say is that I feel for ya.
You can always stand by your morals. There's nothing wrong with that at all. But, by you not signing a lease agreement, then you inturn affect the unitization map of your neighbors. Meaning, they will receive less acreage if you don't sign because drilling will not take place under your property. You can always demand in a lease agreement that no construction of any kind take place on your lands. I would recommend that you make sure they limit the drilling of legs under your property to only Marcellus Shale. Furthermore, if a company that you're going to lease with needs pipelines then be sure to work with them. They have to bring the product to market and the reclaimation process is excellent. The ship is here, so get on it before it sets sails.

You make the choice, that's what I would do.
I'd hire a lawyer, fight for the most I could get, then rent out the place and move the hell out of there.
for the next 20 years, there will be wells drilled EVERYWHERE in the marcellus region. the truck traffic, noise, migrant workers, and all the associated BS will only get worse.

welcome to PA!!


  • Jonah-Gas-Field-40-acre-spacing.jpg
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Melvin... you know me bud. C-4!! LOL!!! With the hole in the ground from the blast, you can have that mutant fish pond!!! Be the envy of the whole fracking wasteland with 3 eyed trout!!

The picture you posted is of vertical gas fields (most likely in the Badlands) and is not an accurate depiction of horizontal drill sites.
ive seen enough gas wells already to know the immedate impack,and what happens when they cap them off and pack up and move away but the all important question(20 Years from now).And as trying to bulley the industry forget it.They will just say that they will go around leaving you to prove that they didnt.New bussiness venture(Have sizmograft will travel).Good luck to all that are dealing now or will be soon.JJ lets hit the tunk its getting prime.
You bet Melvin! The Tunk is looking REAL GOOD!!!!
@ Melvin,
I wouldn't lease my land but that's me. A friend of mine was at a Pirate game recently sitting in front of some drillers who mouthed off the whole game about how greedy and stupid PA residents are, how the only people that will get rich from this are the drillers, how they would never move their families here because by the time they are done, PA will no longer be fit to live in. There was more but you get the idea. I don't envy your decision but to say hey, the wells are here let's embrace it is, I think, short-sighted and an easy way out. It's a lot harder to stand up for what you believe in than to "do what everyone else is doing". The drillers have the money and Corbett but you still have your morals. Good luck w/ whatever you decide to do!
Missy. ...See YouTube videos of Hickory, PA & Ron Gulla. He has one of the first Marcellus Wels in PA.
Missy wrote:
@ Melvin,
I wouldn't lease my land but that's me. A friend of mine was at a Pirate game recently sitting in front of some drillers who mouthed off the whole game about how greedy and stupid PA residents are, how the only people that will get rich from this are the drillers, how they would never move their families here because by the time they are done, PA will no longer be fit to live in. There was more but you get the idea. I don't envy your decision but to say hey, the wells are here let's embrace it is, I think, short-sighted and an easy way out. It's a lot harder to stand up for what you believe in than to "do what everyone else is doing". The drillers have the money and Corbett but you still have your morals. Good luck w/ whatever you decide to do!
Missy. ...See YouTube videos of Hickory, PA & Ron Gulla. He has one of the first Marcellus Wels in PA.

Wow. At a Pirates game none the less.
@ Jdaddy,
Nice huh? Seems they didn't watch much of the game.
had a guy from shell stop last night, he no sooner said seismic charges and i told him to get the hell off of my land. tried for 4 years to get a lease with them (east resources, now shell) and they wouldn't give me one so now it's war. no doing anything on my property. if they do seismic around me i'll sue em for stopping the hens from laying. it's an income for me selling eggs. war has started !!!!!!!!!
Hey all, newly registered but lurking for over a year. I am a geologist and have been involved with all methods of drilling for years now. Had to comment when people talk about explosives! I know this was tongue in cheek but not a good idea.
I know, have spoken with, and been around many people involved in the industry and have never heard that kind of talk. most are hunters and fishermen and are conservationists also. I suspect you have a bit of an agenda because the Ron Gulla stuff is greatly exaggerated. He has an axe to grind with this industry. You can't believe what he is saying, it's just not true.
I know that because I am involved in ways with this industry that I also have an agenda, but there is a lot of bad info and hysteria out there.
It's not hysteria, groundwater pollution, water taken from streams that can't support the loss. water that is not treated properly before being discharged, noise, trucks too big for the roads driving too fast, noise and people who where poor that got way less for the lease then they deserved.

It's a very real concern. I hope what you say is true. We here are counting on it so tell the guys that you meet in the gas industry to take do their very best job and to take care of our homeland.

some folks I know attended a public meeting regarding drilling that will be occuring in their township. a lawyer from the drilling company was there to provide answers to peoples concerns and questions. as the meeting went on, people were asking good questions, the lawyer refused to answer them and changed his attitude for the worse. people left the meeting very uneasy, with lots of questions still unanswered, and even more worries. they told me the lawyer seemed pissed that people seemed to know so much, and had so many questions.
I think this is great, people are starting to get educated on this.
knowledge is power.
First, I do not have an agenda. I just happen to be a concerned citizen who is watching, step by step, as the gas industry, that we aren't allowed to criticize, ruins the places I hold dear. Never did I expect to see so many wilderness areas, so many valuable places, changed in such a substantial way. I think you should ask yourself if you are not the one w/ an agenda, lurking around the site for over a year but now, over a year later, feeling compelled to participate in this particular discussion. Knowledge is power. Ron Gulla was profiled by none other than WQED. I trust WQED. He is on YouTube but the only concern I see is concern for his way of life being taken away from him. Should we ignore what he has to say? And if so, why? You defend the gas drillers. Good for you. Care to expand on that? Where do your interests lie? I know other people, some on this site, who have HEARD drillers say the same derogatory comments that were made by the guys that I reference at the Pirates game. So, don't be afraid of the information. I didn't create this mess. I just happen to be good at researching it.
Gudgeonville wrote:
I know, have spoken with, and been around many people involved in the industry and have never heard that kind of talk. most are hunters and fishermen and are conservationists also.

I once heard about priests doing something with underage kids...but then again i also have an agenda :roll: