Babbs Creek Morris Pa.



Active member
Dec 30, 2009
Here's a goldmine worth digging around in. Babbs starts above Landris and dumps into Big Pine Creek at Blackwell.

Start on Landris rd. and head toward Arnot Pa. First mile or so posted.

About 5 or 6 miles toward Arnot you will reach Landris. A large monument is by the rd. made of stone. Start here. Fish a mile up and a mile down. Great fishing. Babbs is stocked by the Arnot sportsman club. Really, nice big brookies and others.

Check it out. Spend a day. Get a sandwich and cold one at Crossroads in Morris pa. Spend another day searching out water not mentioned.

By the way, there are 2 large waterfalls on this stretch, not on Babbs itself. I will let you find them. both have fish. little one's at one waterfall, bigger one's at the other.

Enjoy, Enjoy. the great outdoors of Pa.
I know about the one waterfalls, at the lower end of Sand Run.

Where is the other waterfall?

Nice to hear that Babb creek is fishing good now.
I remember when it ran bright orange from AMD
tb - There’s a smaller falls on the main stem of Babb, upstream a short ways from the confluence with Sand Run. It’s right at the confluence pool with the next small trib (Rattlesnake Run I think) that comes in from the left.
Swattie87 wrote:
tb - There’s a smaller falls on the main stem of Babb, upstream a short ways from the confluence with Sand Run. It’s right at the confluence pool with the next small trib (Rattlesnake Run I think) that comes in from the left.

Good stuff! I like waterfalls.

That smaller falls is at the Roaring 30's. Not the right falls. I showed a man once where the other falls were. His name, Mike O'Brien, owned the Mid Atlantic Fly Fishing Guide at one time. I was grouse hunting and he asked if I knew where a certain stream was.. I stopped all I was doing and said, follow me. Took him to the spot. The other person with me said, way to go john. I am sure he appreciated it. Kind of felt good about myself.

Thank God he asked me. The way you folks sound, it very well could have been. I don't know.

If you are going to be mad at Maxima. Be mad for all I stole from the fish commission since I turned 17. At less than 10 cents a day I can fish 360. What a steal.