Australian Fly fisher



New member
May 8, 2012
Hello from Australia,
I came across this site when I was looking up info on level fly lines, something you cant seem to buy in this country. I've enjoyed browsing through the forums and looking at all the great pics. In 1992, my wife and I along with our then 18 month old son, travelled through Pennsylvania and other surrounding states on a self driven Civil War tour. I wasn't fishing at the time but recall alot of nice looking waters in Pa. Have to return one day with a fly rod.
Here in OZ, I mostly fish for trout in the nearby small creeks, that contain browns and rainbows. They are the types of creeks where brook trout would feel right at home but, apart from a few isolated areas where they have been released, brookies aren't common at all here. Pity, as they are such a pretty, scrappy little fish.
Hi Steve,

Welcome to the jungle! Don't let the fact that you are "down-under" keep you from letting us know how the fishing is!

Welcome Steve! By all means post some pics of your home waters if you care to.

I'd imagine you passed through my hometown on your CW tour. From where I'm typing this, I can see the National Cemetery where Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address.
Hello spod. It's nice to have an Australian perspective. Don't know where to begin with question about fly fishing in Australia. Any input or questions you may have are welcome.
Thanks for the welcome to this forum. I'll try to remember to take along my camera and post a few pics of my local waters for those that are interested.
Fishidiot--we spent only a couple of days in Gettysburg--the motel we stayed in was in the middle of the town and right next to the National Cemetery. Very atmospheric to walk around the cemetery in the early morning.
In a few weeks time I'm hoping to drive up the Goulburn River which is about 60 miles North of where I live. The Goulburn is wide and deep in parts so will be a big change from the small waters I'm used to near home. This river holds some very good brown and rainbow trout. Wish me luck!
Hey Steve... or should I say G' Day mate! LOL

Anyhow, have you ever been (or plan to go) to New Zealand to fly fish? Everything I've seen and read about it is incredible.