Ausable River



New member
Mar 21, 2009
I am heading to the Adirondacks for the week ending in labor day. Seeing as my cabin is only 45 minutes from Lake Placid, i don't see how I cannot fish the Ausable River for at least one day. Does anyone have any suggestions for fly selection?
check with the Hungry Trout Fly Shop. They are the ADK location for TCO.

Hatches run later than here in Central PA. But I do not know what is happening now. I will tell you that stone fly nymphs have been good producer for me all over the ADKs.

Have fun, the ADKs are my favorite place.

Good advice to check with the fly shop. Here's a current report. The water is very warm right now but fishing should be okay in the tribs.

Ausable Report

The scenery is second to none in the east! Have a great time.
I just got back from 2 weeks in Lake Placid and the conditions are getting tough. Water is dropping and warming pretty early in the day . You can stop into Jones Outfitters in Lake Placid and talk to Ken or Chris for great advice. I would monitor the local conditions on the link previously listed as well as this one: