Atlantic Salmon



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg
Bruno's son caught a twenty pound atlantic yesterday

Best fight ever. Nice catch!! Can't pull up the pic. GG
Wow that's a great fish. I have bad mouthed that river a lot, but that's pretty cool. That's the biggest Atlantic I've seen out of lake ontario.

That's a fish of a lifetime on any Atlantic salmon river in the world.

I hear the Salmon River has had them up to 11lb too this year.

Good to see them coming back again.
Great fish! You have to love kids with huge fish and even bigger grins. Congrats 2 you 2 Bruno. Way to go Albie. GG
Cant see pic, wont let me pull up salves link either.
Nice fish. I'm headed to the Oak tomorrow morning for a week.......I have only caught three atlantics on the Oak in 20 years. One was 12lbs. Can't wait.
Here's the pic originally intended

And a close up. Note the blue halo, so we know it's wild...
Biggie, you should have great fishing. Enjoy!
That's so awesome... He's gotta be proud! And your reaching iconic level, aren't you albie... So good you can put others on the big one! Congrats to Bruno and son!
Nicely done. Picture #31 makes it look like opening day :) Nothing like a couple of chairs in the middle of the stream!
Just got back from a week in NY fishing the Oak Orchard River. It was crowded (everyday like first day of trout). River is low, but fishable. Plenty of salmon if that is your thing. I was there for the trout. The browns are not there is any big numbers, but enough to keep it interesting. Steelies are about the same. I caught both, but the biggest was a 9.5 lb brown in the Club Derby and was only good for 4th place on the last day. But the best was I had three atlantic salmon hooked. Lost all three after some epic runs and jumps my fly came unhooked. Glad to see them coming back. The next two weeks should be lights out for the trout fishing.....BTW almost all my fish were caught with either black or brown stoneflies in size 6 or 8.
If they have gotten rain other creeks in the area should be full of fish. GG
Im headed up to Oak on Monday. Never been there but excited to hook into whatever comes my way. What was the hot lure/bait? Im expecting it to be super crowded but im used to combat fishing around here.
I use mostly black or brown stoneflys. I also use trout beads in various colors. Usually use the beads and the stoneflys together. the riffles just above the Archers Pool (It's the hole with guys lined up on both sides of the river. Right now there is a tree laying partially across the riffles, fish just upstream or just down stream of the the where did I put that spoon?:)