At the Crossroads Again

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I freakin' love it. This is my favorite fly fishing video- the haunting music is great.

"And of course there was the living legend- that was his nickname. That was Bill Shad. I heard all about him. He was very secretive. He hid his car. He hid his boat. He was like a phantom. "

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wow -- what a great trailer --- do you have a copy acristic?
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EB- no just a few clips.

Here's another-

If you like this-- try looking for some Felt Souled Media films on youtube etc....

Same movie- different clip. They use some cool music in their vids too.

One of theirs is "Running Down the Man". It is so over the top I love it.

Another video- The Black Canyon Of Gunnison- Salmonfly hatch. That's a goodie too on there. The secret!!

One of my buddies goes to these fly fishing movie shows-he buys many of these.. There was one in Cleveland not too long ago.

Should be noted they have another film about the AK Pebble mine. Their most important film.

Looks like FUN!!
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I will see this movie soon.

Hope I dont die before I catch a Tarpon.

The modern version of this movie would be called Chasing Silver.
Another good flick.
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The documentary explores the rise and fall of fly-fishing in California from its inception at the turn of the 20th century to the 1980s...
I like to read these type of documentaries. But now a days i have no time to read documentaries because of HP0-S18 course. I am stuck in study of HP0-J22 and more. These are much important for every one because online 70-432 practice tests will help you become familiar with the format and content of the exam, as well as the scoring.
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As mentioned earlier this month, Paflyfish is recognizing it's 15th year on the Internet. A look back comes up with many exciting accomplishments and activities for fly fishing in our region. A look forward shows an even greater promise to what what our fly fishing collective can become. The site has grown beyond just a stop along of the Internet with few static static maps. It is now a very diverse and dynamic fly fishing community. The conversations, events, information and sharing extend well beyond the borders of the state.

With such a rewarding sport as fly fishing I am always surprised at the diversity of ideas and issues that can be discussed on the site. Conservation efforts, while not immune from the controversy, is the one topic we most often find agreement. Interestingly it is a topic not only we mostly easily agree, but has held such importance longer than all others.

As a boy I enjoyed many summers jumping around the waters below Resica Falls at the Boy Scout camp of the same name in the Pocono Mountains. A splendid stream and one I still treasure. Growing up I understood there were water pollution issues, but thought of them as being isolated to the urban waters like the Schuylkill near where I lived in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Not big fishing waters back in the day.

It was not until I moved to Indiana, Pennsylvania did I understand that the pollution issues extend well beyond the cities. I saw the devastation that the acid mine water drainage had done to so much of waterways in western coal regions in streams like Little Mahoning Creek and Bear Creek.

Being in my 60's is no fun when hiking out of a ravine after fishing a mountain stream. That being said if I ever have to fish from a dock, just push me in.
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I hear ya salmo... same here.

I also don't like the fact that the next age category is "the last one". LOL
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As an educator its interesting that the chart is a real bell shaped curve,sans the old fart catrgory. That last level is the tough one to Just remember the only way to go on that chart is up or off.
Mr. 1% er.GG
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Oooo Standard Deviation. Now you're talking my language!

Hats off to the 1% when it comes to this poll! A place everyone else hopes they get to.
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Actually, it's surprising to me how flat the curve is -- a positive sign that the sport is spread fairly evenly over a wide age group. I would've expected a heavier tally over the age of 40... cool beans.
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As the resident statistician I feel compelled to describe the distribution of ages. All we have are the bin counts, so we will assume the average in each bin is 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, and 75. Given this assumption, the average age is 43.5, the median and mode are both 45, and the standard deviation is 15.6 years.
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