Asking for permission to fish posted stream?



New member
Mar 18, 2015
I live in an area where a lot of the water is posted and am curious what the etiquette is for asking landowners if you can fish or not? Do you go up and knock on doors, leave a letter in the mailbox? This may sound like a silly question but knocking on someone's door and asking them if you can fish in their backyard seems a little intrusive am I wrong?
Yes, it's simple. You knock on the door. Introduce yourself and explain what your intentions are.
If they say no you just say thank you, I understand and have a nice day.
If they say yes you say thank you have a nice day and ask if they have any special rules they would like you to follow while on their property. I normally asked if it was OK to put trash I've picked up in their trash can on the way out or take it with me. They like that.

I'm sure others will add some more tips.
Walking up and knocking on the door is how it's suppose to be done. Leaving a letter would be creepy and you would be relying on that person reaching out to you.
I have stopped and knocked at A number of homes over the years looking for permission to fish. Some have been flat out no's and some are just happy to let you just as long as you ask first. One time I stopped at A property to ask permission and when I did the owner asked if I was fly fishing. When I told him that is the only way I fish he said I could fish his property but only if I took him A few times for him to learn to fly fish also. Twenty years later he is now one of my best friends and fishing buddy.
Nice story, Red
Make sure that you volunteer to babysit the kids a few times :)

Just joking!
Thanks for the advice guys!
Another thing to remember, don't knock on the door with waders on, rod in hand. Leave your gear behind until you get the ok.
Good point about not knocking on the door with all your gear on! LOL. What I've been doing for forty odd years is not pulling into their driveway. I park near their home but on the public road. Then if a woman answers the door I always ask if her husband is home so I can speak to him. When the man of the house comes to the door you should immediately introduce yourself with your full name and offer to shake hands. Then when the intro is completed I prefer to just shoot the breeze a bit. If it is a farmer I ask about how the dairy herd is or how the crops are going. It might sound corny but it works for me not to be pushy and only want to get the okay to go fish and then blow the guy off. If the conversation is going well I will ask if I can access the river through their property. I have been given the go ahead far more often than being turned away. I always knock on the door every time I go to these private properties. I don't want the property owner to ever think I'm taking the privilege to fish for granted. After the first year I typically ask the man what his favorite spirit is and then I go to town and buy him a fifth of whatever he enjoys drinking.

Just fish during the night don't have to ask anyone. J/K
Back in my youth we always heard about people getting shot at with rock salt for trespassing.

Now days with all the people getting shot, why make yourself a target?