Article on Arway...



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
...maybe his name should be spelled "OurWay"??...resource first?

Give the man some credit for standing up (for all of us) for the right thing.

I support him in his endeavor to save the Susky.

Arway on the Susky
Good article I like Arways style
While I'm not a fan of the PFBC management of trout, Iam a huge fan of Arway and what he is trying to do here.

It's gonna be sad when he goes.
+1000 to post #3
Let me first say I believe Arway is right about the causes. What I don't understand is how DEP can be in denial as to the impairment. The river is used and abused from both source to the mouth, by Pennsylvania and NY. My thinking is they are losing time, and by waiting they are only exacerbating the problem. It's not just about the fish it's about land use too.
Ultimately what we have is a lack of leadership. Above Arway.

Listing isn't the only path towards further identifying the specific problems. Listing isn't the only path to evaluating solutions or understanding impacts and costs or various potential solutions.

I don't know if there are other consequences of listing the river as impaired. Maybe some negatives that would best be avoided until more understanding of the causes are completed and solutions evaluated.

If the governor wanted to move the investigation and solutions along he could accomplish it with or without listing the river as impaired.
Totally agree. I have been advocating mandatory (303d impairment listing) or a voluntary plan by just moving forward with a WIP, Watershed Implementation Plan, like we did for the Bay after it was listed as impaired. No one will admit the river has a problem which is why no one has done either. Three administrations and 6 different DEP Secretaries. Still impairment indecision and no admission that the bass need help and we need to start now. Every Secretary has said we will follow the science which must be the political science send not he natural science I have been trained to follow.

Is there anything the public can do to help? Calls, letters or emails to elected officials?
FishTales wrote:
Totally agree. I have been advocating mandatory (303d impairment listing) or a voluntary plan by just moving forward with a WIP, Watershed Implementation Plan, like we did for the Bay after it was listed as impaired. No one will admit the river has a problem which is why no one has done either. Three administrations and 6 different DEP Secretaries. Still impairment indecision and no admission that the bass need help and we need to start now. Every Secretary has said we will follow the science which must be the political science send not he natural science I have been trained to follow.


I've always found that when a problem exists that affects my future it's best to be proactive and get involved with solutions. That way you can influence your destiny rather than have it dictated to you. It's also more likely that creative solutions would be part of a voluntary plan where mandatory processes often are rigid and sometimes more painful.

A voluntary approach requires leadership. A trait in short supply in Harrisburg.

They all know there is a problem. They just won't acknowledge it as the solutions are likely difficult both politically and economically. I'm not sure it's fully solvable due to economic and political realities. But we have to both invest in more research and evaluate potential solutions to understand our options.

(BTW in private industry we find ways to make progress in parallel paths to shorten schedules. These approaches need to be implemented in government as well.)
Ironically, the worst thing that has happened to the Susky in the last few years is the return of good (great?) smallmouth fishing.

Many have or will forget there is a huge problem unsolved, with next to nothing done to mitigate the issues. The cycle is likely to repeat itself until the issues are tackled.

The only positive step has been the ED of the PFBC calling for the DEP to classify the River as impaired. The DEP hasn't even gotten out of the starting block on this. From there they must more precisely identify the problem, develop a plan of attack, and start a process of mitigation.

We are now into a second decade without action. It will take years to fix even if we started the process today, and that doesn't appear to be happening at all. All Mr. Arway's words have fallen on deaf ears.

We hear you Mr. Arway, and appreciate you walking through a field of political landmines at your own peril for the good fishing, and most important, for the health and well being of all citizens that use the river for recreation, and those that actually drink the water from the Susquehanna River.

How can we help?

Post script: The Chesapeake Bay Foundation should be supported in their efforts, which relate directly to the Susquehanna River. Below is a link to the actions they are taking to clean up the River/Bay. Check out the list of opponents to the litigation.

Save the Bay

A fine article. Arway has worked hard to get help for the Susq. Lots of things some of you suggest could be implemented if DEP would get its head out of the sand and declare the river impaired.

For instance, here in Blair County (upper feeder streams for the Juniata and then the Susquehanna), the streams are frequently polluted from runoff from fields where liquid manure has been spread, often much more thickly than allowed. This, of course, is just one, but a major one, of many problems besetting the river. Nothing is done about it, though one community, Martinsburg, had to install a special building to combat the excess nitrogen in its water supply.

Anyhow, we need to support Arway and his efforts, individually and collectively.
You can buy an SOS button, contribute to our First Giving campaign since we are going to work on this one farm at a time to make a difference until DEP decides to join the cause either through voluntary or mandatory means.

You can talk to your federal Congressman or Senator and have them weigh in with US EPA Region 3 who have to accept or reject DEP's indecision to take 2 more years to make a decision.

Mr. Shawn Garvin, Regional Administrator
Region 3 (DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV)
Environmental Protection Agency
1650 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029
Phone: (215) 814-5000
Fax: (215) 814-5103
Toll free: (800) 438-2474

Tell them to step up and do the right thing and act on the science we have to repair the damages we have done to the Susquehanna and its bass.