Article - Lake Turnover in the Spring

Marc Fryt

Marc Fryt

New member
Jun 5, 2022
Spokane, WA
To help you get primed and ready for the spring stillwater season, here's an article I wrote up that explains lake turnover: What is Lake Turnover in the Spring?
Questions answered in the article include:
  • What is lake turnover?
  • Which lakes turnover in the spring?
  • How do you identify when a lake is turning over?
  • How do you time turnover and what to expect when a lake is turning over?
  • How long does turnover last?
Hopefully that helps you to have some success while stillwater fishing this upcoming season!
Thanks for posting that. Turnover not only affects still waters, but also the tail waters below them, especially the part about "off color, turbid ... strong odor."

It also occurs in the fall.