Are you ready for Spring?



Nov 29, 2017
Just finished up my Bugger Box for the season. These should last me a few outings.

I have a habit of trying casts I normally would not try when I tie my own flies and that at times causes me to lose more than normal. Anyone else find themselves doing that. I mean, I value my flies and appreciate the time I invest at the vise but I am definitely less aware of my casts when I know I can just hit the bench and tie a few more up.



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That's why I tie. I could not care any less about losing flies. I don't give a hung up fly a single thought when a minuscule investment in materials goes a long long way.

Your buggers like great!
I tie and care about getting my stuck flies. I'll go through all kinds of gyrations to get my fly and cry elephant tears if I can't.

Nice buggers!
It depends on the fly but I could usually care less. .80 cents into the river
Its risk vs reward for me. Depends on the fly and my chances of getting really wet.

But that is a box after my own heart. Good on you for slinging the mighty bugger.
Tell me, do you add any wire weight to all...some...or none of your Buggers? I'm planning on tying up a batch in a few days and just wonder what others do with theirs.

Weighted one's are a bit more difficult to "toss" vs those not weighted.....OTOH the weight get's em down faster when the situation is right.

I wrap the hackle in with a thin wire and always use a bead head. They cast just fine and I never had any issues. I do tie a few with a tungsten bead head but will usually just roll cast those as one hit to the rod on a windy day and your asking for a break : (
Thanks for your response. I really like your mix of color's you used in these Buggers.
fritz wrote:
I tie and care about getting my stuck flies. I'll go through all kinds of gyrations to get my fly and cry elephant tears if I can't.

Nice buggers!

Me too. I really hope these guys that are saying they don't care at least give some effort to get the fly back. Not for the cost/effort of tying it but because we don't need more stuff polluting the stream, especially sharp pointy items. And not AMD or fracking type pollution. Anything not naturally intended to be in a stream is pollution and we should do everything we can to prevent it from happening. Plus those flies get dislodged and could become trout food. And with adverse affects on the digestive track I'm sure.

To the OP- Your bugger box looks great.
Yes, like fly flinger said, please at least try & get your fly back. Not because they are expensive or hard to tie or whatever, but because... Have you ever seen a dead bird hanging from a tree with a fly in his beak? I have. It sucks. Blue jay hanging from a retrievable fly above the creek, dead. If the fisherman had put in at least the smallest amount of effort he could have stepped into the creek, grabbed the branch & plucked his fly free. He did not.
The buggers are nice.

But in case anyone doubts, I found the photo. It's also not a bluejay, birds are not my specialty. Whatever the case, nobody likes seeing this hovering over a pool on a wild trout stream.



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I wouldn't mind a GBH hanging from a tree.
I once found live bat hanging by a fly in a bush on the Allegheny. The fly still had the barb and was difficult to remove but I managed to save the critter.