Are small and medium size streams iced over in York, Lancaster, Delaware Counties?



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Need a little help please if anyone has seen the subject streams in the counties mentioned above over this weekend or on Monday. Trying to determine whether fieldwork is possible and I do not want to make a drive for nothing, which would be a waste of angler dollars. The middle Jordan in Lehigh Co today was completely iced over much to my surprise. If anyone knows any answers to the above subject line, a response here or by pm would be appreciated. In advance, thank you for any assistance.
I just drove down to see some friends near Goldsboro in York Co. this afternoon, most of the small streams were still iced over from the cold snap.
Saw a pic of a frozen York county stream.

Many places are frozen even all the way down here in my area, small ponds and low gradient streams in Southern MD were all covered today (not 100% covered but close). Based on that I would expect a lot of frozen streams in PA.

It's going to be pretty warm the next few days though.
Drove over the Furnace Hills streams in northern Lanc. Co. on the TPike Saturday. Most (other than the one limestoner) had significant icing on them. Not solid, but more ice than open water. Yesterday was a good bit above freezing though, so they may have opened up a bit.
Heard Ridley was iced over last week
In southern York County the first order streams are open. Second order open in the riffles and thirds are iced ocer except a few places in main channel and riffles. Muddy had 2” of ice on it in the slow pools. But was open in the fast water.
I was hiking in southern York county on Saturday and the small freestones had a significant amount of ice. So much so that I decided to cancel my first winter fishing plans the following day.
Thank you to all. Very helpful when you follow through like this and with such details no less. It's nice to get this kind of quick response.
I don't work over the Winter, so if you need similar info again for northern York Co., feel free to shoot me an email at