April 2020...my slump and your catch results pls



Active member
Jan 5, 2011
Any GravelBar, will do just fine. 365. Fresh&Salt
I have been to a handful of SCPA streams, maybe a dozen times during April with below average results.
Pondering the source of my slump.
Have fairly decent practice working entire water column, mixing flies and deliveries
I am interested to know...
Has your April been below average, average, or above average?
What waters have you been fishing? ATW? Class A? Unlisted streams?

As for me, April has been a really good month. The wet and overcast weather has led to favorable catch rates. I've been fishing mostly Class A and Natural Repro streams, as I've been staying away from special reg streams due to busier-than-normal conditions.
Can't comment on Cordorus, Big Spring or Green Spring, but the Breeches and Conewago have been fishing very well. Caddis hatch on the breeches has started and the trout are looking up! However, most of my success has been with euro style pheasant tail nymphs.
April has been stellar for me.
It has been a good month. I had one "bad" day on Penn's but also was trying my *** off all day to get a fish to cooperate with my girlfriend and her casting/knots...
Drakeking how are the crowds on Penns? Be happy you have a girlfriend willing to try! Having said that, I've had a couple days with a lot of fish rising and dealing with my kids needs.
A few from yesterday on a few of those waters (CV slam). I saw two guys fishing spinning gear in the FFO area on GS yesterday. Tried calling the fish kill number, but of course, it was a weekend, so nobody answered. God forbid they forward calls to WCO's on the weekends or anything when most people are out doing illegal stuff.

You've got some tough streams in your area for sure. Between being generally tough to fish, and then all the poaching, private property and getting absolutely pounded etc., it's a tough area. Don't beat yourself up. I honestly think all the added pressure from all the off-work folks out fishing all week is making the fish a little pickier.

I personally like more salad on those streams than they have currently.

Generally a good April, but I mostly fish remote areas or unstocked waters etc. I don't like fishing near people (like within miles of people) and only hit up the CV streams yesterday because I knew it was going to be pouring rain and less people would be out (which was true). I was the only one on the letort from the park to the quarry. At least in the afternoon/evening. Fishing was actually good too. Whether it was the lack of pressure or just the rain turning them on.

Maybe look for less popular, unstocked streams?





JeffP wrote:
Drakeking how are the crowds on Penns? Be happy you have a girlfriend willing to try! Having said that, I've had a couple days with a lot of fish rising and dealing with my kids needs.

They're not anything too much more crazy than normal really. I camp up there and am on the water by 8-9 so I'm a little earlier than others but it's always a shitshow when we get back to the lot. We also do a fair bit of walking to get where we like to fish.

Yes I sure am lucky, she decided this year that "if you can't beat em join em" and has got her own euro and dry fly rigs and full wading setup! Some days are stressful but the day she got her first brookie (her favorite species) on Big Fishing was a pretty magical moment. I think that the fact we're doing Bozeman this year without her friends really pushed her to take the plunge lol
33/33/34. Some great / good / poor outings.

February was outstanding even for dries.






I've been off work so I've got to fish more than normal. I've had some epic days in centre county fishing class A waters. Best April I've had in years.
Nice looking fish. You both did well. GG
I had one bad outing on the CRFFO of White Deer Creek. Somewhat salvaged the trip on two Class A tribs. Otherwise, I am having a very good year though I admit between virus concerns and the added number of fishermen home from work with nothing to do but fish- I have had to get off the beaten path more to find what I'm looking for. That's actually been a good problem for me since it forces me to explore new streams which is half the fun.
I keep a journal. My fish counts are way down this year compared to last.
Tough when your having a bad year an everyone posts all the fish candy! :) I guess its easier to post fish than not post fish. My year has been slow despite being out a lot. While I mostly fish for natives its been tough not going out when your home and you hear the local stream has been stock. There have been a ton of guys out, the stockers are not spread out, and I've struggled. One good day early on the Donegal and mostly slow days on streams like Muddy, Furnace, Fishing, and Hammer Creeks. I've caught a few natives and a few stockers.

Hammer got stocked yesterday so I got up and by 8:30 the parking lot at the county park was full and people were parking up the road. I went upstream to an unstocked part and misses or saw a half dozen natives. Went up to briefly check out the pumping station. Fish heads in the water but no fish for me. The water was perfect and I thought I'd do well. Jeff