Anything to worry about?



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006

Corbett fires conservation official:
Seems political to me, and certainly means drilling will take place in the parks.

Dear Jack,

Nothing to worry about here, Corbett was elected to take care of what's good for Pennsylvanian's, even if they don't know what's good for themselves.

He's just doing his pre-ordained job of giving away everything that was ever gained in behalf of the population in general, while making sure that it will revert to the population that matters.

This here is sarcasm at it's finest. In 1988 I laughed and wondered if anyone would ever get the message.

Perhaps I shouldn't have laughed, it doesn't seem as funny now, does it?


Tim Murphy :-(
I'm becoming increasingly resigned to the fact that not only is drilling here to stay but it's also going to spread dramatically. My only hope now is that it's not as bad as it seems.
More and more are cutting back the amount of drilling because they managed to bring the price of gas below a level that can make them the money they had expected. so its not about the affordable energy that can be produced domestically or the energy independence but really just about making a butt load of money and screwing the people of the united states. Chevron bought out one of the drillers. Then they cut back...they need to step up the cryo projects needed to liquify the gas. If they want a better price, they can export it. How about some foreign energy money coming in this direction for a change.
Not the brightest on global economy but it seems to me that food is where foreign money could be obtained through.
See how they like a little price gouging.

funny you should link that tune, but as they say: you got got it.

The gas is being sold on the open market with no one saying that Americans will reap the benefits. There is a lot of gas being shipped over seas.
There's actualy VERY little gas being shipped overseas. It doesn't ship too well, it's mainly a pipeline business. And the majority that does get sold to foreign countries is Canada and Mexico, via pipeline.
Some stats to back that up. 2010 numbers.

U.S. production: 21.6 Tcf
U.S. consumption: 24 Tcf

Imports: 3.309 Tcf
88% from Canada via pipeline
1% from Mexico via pipeline
11% is "shipped"

Exports: 1.072 Tcf
65% to Canada via pipeline
29% to Mexico via pipeline
6% is "shipped"

A little math, and that means 0.3% of what we produce ever gets out of the pipelines to go to the "open" market.
What's Tcf? I know that cf stands for cubic feet. What does the T stand for?
yes, trillion.

In the U.S. system:

mcf = million cubic feet
bcf = billion cubic feet
tcf = trillion cubic feet

So 1000 mcf's is 1 bcf, and 1000 bcf's is 1 tcf.

Note that, I think, it is actually different in the English system. English as in U.K. Bcf I think is what's different, in that it takes 10,000 mcfs to make a bcf, and only 100 bcf's to make a tcf. But I'd have to check on that.
mcf = 1000 cubic ft
mmcf = million cubic ft