anyone use nutria for dry tails ?



Active member
Aug 19, 2009
i picked up some of this the other day , makes a really nice tail , was wondering though if anyone has used it and if so , what are your thoughts on durability issues , thanks in advance
Sounds like an artificial sweetener.
I've never heard of it. I assume it's synthetic?
It's a big water rat, known as a pest in the southern states.
it comes on a hide , had alot of under fur with different length sparse guard like hairs (medium brown)
Where did you get it? I saw a pattern using it a couple of years ago, but have never seen it anywhere, admittedly never looked to hard.

They are an invasive species in the south, I believe brought in from South America.
found it at a sporting goods store near clarion , i will look to see if they have anymore , if they do ur in luck , i will mail it to ya , hows that sound ?
Sounds great, the pattern I was talking about was in an article on the clarion in an old ffm.
i was talking to an older guy today about using it and he said its not good for dry fly tails , but they used to sell it for the nutria nymph , kinda like muskrat i guess