Anyone target Bowfin or Snakeheads?



May 6, 2011
Went out with a few guys this past week who only target these fish. I only hit one bowfin but they put up a great fight and strike hard. Snake heads we were catching them left and right on frog poppers and some streamers, some in the 5 pound range. Does anyone fish for these species I would like to get some more info and tactics, was a fun day fishing and 5 minutes from home.
Yep!!!!! Bowfin are a blast, and snakeheads are on the list!! Don't live anywhere close to a place that has snakeheads though...

As for the bowfin, I only have experience at a couple locations in NW PA, and they're all in the same watershed(French Creek watershed, which includes Conneaut, Geneva swamp, French, Woodcock Crk, etc..).

From what I learned it can be hit or miss a lot of the times, even when fishing bait. When the bite is really ON, I have no problem hooking up with 5 or more on the fly rod. But when it's slow it can be a rough day. Working relatively big, meaty, articulated streamers along the bottom and near weed lines are most productive. One thing I noticed is the more fish I see surfacing for air, the better the fishing usually is. Just an observation.

Also, make sure you have good quality hooks as there mouths are tough and keeping them on the line can be tough if you have dull hooks.

I still get skunked often but when the stars align and you hit a feeding frenzy it is a lot of fun.



This is about the average size we have been getting for the past 2 weeks, i tried my 5 weight and i broke off 7. Next time out will bring the 7wt and some frog patterns. We have some nice ones around philly area coming from the Delaware river, NJ game commish says if you catch them by law kill them. But they are good eats!


  • snakehead.jpg
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Yes, there is nothing wrong with the snakehead's flavor and they are easy to fillet.

Educational comment: Note that the fish in the grass on SNJChef's photo in #3 above is a snakehead, a northern snakehead to be exact. We don't want any additional anglers mistaking a bowfin for a snakehead so I thought this comment might be helpful.
Mike, I should have stated it was a snake head my bad.
You did...the picture label.
I've been wanting to make it down somewhere with a healthy population of snakeheads for a while now. I currently don't have a valid PA license however so that may be rather difficult for a while. Bowfins are fun on spinning equipment but I have never got one on fly.

Snakeheads seem like a win-win though. Agressive predators with habits similar to LMB with a great tasting flesh that I will feel no shame about plucking from the waters and not returning....sounds wonderful.
SNJChef wrote:
Went out with a few guys this past week who only target these fish. I only hit one bowfin but they put up a great fight and strike hard. Snake heads we were catching them left and right on frog poppers and some streamers, some in the 5 pound range. Does anyone fish for these species I would like to get some more info and tactics, was a fun day fishing and 5 minutes from home.

I have gone out several times on my kayak for snakeheads with no success I'm dying to catch one . As far as bowfin I don't think there is any place with a big enough population in my area worth fishing for them.