Anyone know if Tully has been stocked yet in AO sections?



Aug 22, 2014
Saw Tully is partt of Pa Select program. Anyone know if it has been stocked yet in the artificial only sections below dam?
Go to the PFBC website and you can find the stocking schedules for every body of water that is stocked with trout with dates and the kind of trout.
Yo Kev - The AO stocking is scheduled for 21Mar. I stopped by the other day while helping with the state stocking on the small streams around Reading and saw the water was sort of dingy, no bugs or rising. I did see some black stones, BWOs and midges on some of the small streams though.
Not part of the Select Waters program
The stream chosen from SE Pa to be in the Keystone Select Program was the Middle Branch of White Clay Ck.
Quick visual observation of the Tully for the last week or so was that it was high and muddy. In addition to recent rains the ACE must have lowered the lake level to accommodate additional rainfall. Looks like it's dropped back down to a fishable level now according to the gauge. I fished it back in December. There were fish in the stream then.
As evidenced by this year, preseason stockings now and in the future have been pushed back on the Tully DH area based on a review of the historical March flows, which often are not very accommodating to anglers. Had that been solely used as guidance, then there would not have been any stocking in March as I recall. The timing of this year's stocking represents a compromise, with the hope that flow will be a little lower than usual. Stocking closer to the time when most anglers can actually fish the stream results in more fish available to those anglers.