Anyone keep an updated list of ongoing clean ups/conservation events?



Jun 13, 2008
I have been looking to donate a little time assisting with weekend and evening clean ups near me but don't know where to look. The Skook County TU doesn't really have anything on going that I know of. I was wondering if anyone knows a source of information for when/where conservation efforts are taking place.
gemiller wrote:
I have been looking to donate a little time assisting with weekend and evening clean ups near me but don't know where to look. The Skook County TU doesn't really have anything on going that I know of. I was wondering if anyone knows a source of information for when/where conservation efforts are taking place.

Most, if not all chapters have at least one annual stream cleanup that coincides with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Day(which is part of Earth Day celebrations.) This year that date was Saturday, April 23. I think the Schuylkill County chapter had one. I think I just read to that they already had or are very shortly hosting a fishing derby for Big Brothers/ Big Sisters participants. Not sure if they have a website, I can check the Pennsylvania Trout site (actually anybody can do this, member or non-member) to see if there is a link for them.

UPDATE: Yes they do have a website link as well as a contact address and phone # listed on the "" site. Try
I don't know of any list of projects going on. Schuylkil County TU has some projects they are working on, someone else provided a link to their website. The last time I checked they were quite active. There are a lot of miles of AMD streams in Schuykill Cty. I'm sure they'd be glad to have more help. Many of those streams already have trout in them.
We have a large project that will be starting shortly in Berks County working on Willow Creek if you are interested. Shoot me a PM for details.