anyone fishing yellow creek tomorow



Active member
Mar 29, 2010
Will be down that way around 10-11. Wondering if anyone will be fishing. Plan on fishing mostly ATW but might trybtge upper end of the project.
Don't worry Mike you"ll have plenty of company.
Actually there was no one on the ATW waters. Caught a lot of wilds, and a few pretty bows. "peeping" caddis was the ticket. Black bead was most effective, with squirrel, or hare dubbing. caught a couple on beadhead pheasant tail.

Went to the Frankstown Branch of the Juniata after, and landed 3 or 4 and about an 18" sucker on grey squirrel nymphs. All the trout were bows.

Pretty decent day on the water. But really windy and cold.

Man those yellow creek wild browns are beautiful, and scrappy.