Anyone fish Cooks Creek yet this year?



Active member
Sep 14, 2014
A friend of mine fished Cooks a couple times the past week or so and said he wasn't seeing any fish so I went to check it out today and found the same conditions. I walked the first 4 holes I usually see fish in and and saw no signs of trout and not even a sucker. Has anyone else experienced this on Cooks this year?
Where is Cooks Creek located?
I noticed the same thing late last fall no fish at all but this was the first time i fished it.
It's in Upper Bucks County.
I was there yesterday. FYI, what was once "Public Water" is now Posted.
Haven't been there yet this year. I'll check it out and get back to you. There is a good caddis hatch in early May though you may want to go there then. There's plenty of public water there owned by either the county or township. Always ask permission if in doubt.
When I've been there unless there's a hatch in progress, I've seldom seen fish, but I've always caught fish.
I didn't see any Caddis at Cooks but it was raining Caddis at the Saucon yesterday
It's usually later then on Saucon, did you see fish on Saucon?
Saw a lot of fish rising on the caddis at Saucon. I have only been fishing Saucon for a few years but it was by far the best hatch I have ever seen there.
FWIW, a friend who has a house on Cook's reported March Browns(!) last week. We figure they came out of a nearby trib, since Cook's is probably too cold for them yet.
to early for mb's and cooks would warm before tribs.
I saw a good number of them yesterday mid afternoon. Dark Hendrickson, many with bright yellow egg sack.
buckspa wrote:
I saw a good number of them yesterday mid afternoon. Dark Hendrickson, many with bright yellow egg sack.

That sounds more like it, Hendricksons should be coming off this year about now, I've seen them there as early as late March once when it was warm.
sandfly wrote:
to early for mb's and cooks would warm before tribs.

That's what I thought too, and I questioned my friend closely about the difference between Subvaria and Vicarium (or whatever McCaffertyisms are current), but he stood by his guns. They were on the window of his home office, so he examined them closely.

Maybe if the specific trib was shallow and exposed to the sun - forest cover is late this year and not all of the Cook's watershed is cold springfed. There are farms in the immediate area and a permanent rivulet in full sun (it's been quite sunny this last few weeks up there) could well be exhibiting temps higher than ambient air, despite the generally very cold nights.
I fished it yesterday. not a sign of a fish. Saw some big BWOs, and a few hendricksons as well as plenty of caddis, but didnt see a single rise or sign of a fish, which was very surprising given the prime conditions and hatches. Is it possible there was a fish kill there recently?
I have always figured Cooks to have an oddly low fish density for how nice it looks, but not seeing one fish yesterday was out of the ordinary for sure.
That's what I thought too, and I questioned my friend closely about the difference between Subvaria and Vicarium (or whatever McCaffertyisms are current), but he stood by his guns. They were on the window of his home office, so he examined them closely.

Maybe if the specific trib was shallow and exposed to the sun - forest cover is late this year and not all of the Cook's watershed is cold springfed. There are farms in the immediate area and a permanent rivulet in full sun (it's been quite sunny this last few weeks up there) could well be exhibiting temps higher than ambient air, despite the generally very cold nights.
march browns would have 2 instars to go even then.