Anyone ever heard of "Shufly" rods??



Feb 18, 2013
I live in Saylorsburg (nepa) and there is a local fleamarket. There is a vendor there selling these shufly rods...... I picked one up and false casted a few times... The rod actually felt pretty good..... Better than I expected..... And reasonably priced..... I'd say on par with some lower end Redington...... But I never heard of the maker..... Are they a legit manufacturer or is it some guy making them in his garage?????

Google is your friend :)
Skip Storch was the owner of SHU-FLY, it was also a small shop up on the Salmon River a few years ago previously he could be found at the Flyfishing Show at Somerset, usually had great hook prices. He has the rods made for his business.
I own a 6'-6" ShuFly 3 weight rod and it is a hoot to fish. The only rod I own made in China. Catch a 10" fish and you think you got a big one on. Catch a 16-18" fish, hold onto your hat. Fun little rod. And it does cast well.
I have the same rod as listed above. And its a great rod one bad thing is that it does not have a hook keep. Which can easily be put on. Great rod for the price.
I have the 6'6 3 wt shufly also (got it at the Lancaster fly fishing show) and its an awesome rod.
I just picked up a 9ft 5wt at the Lanc show and so far I like it.
I often buy a couple blanks at the Somerset show and have built a few rods from them. I had one multi piece 6WT that cracked at the ferrule after only a few casts and required that I do some thread and glue repairs (it has fished fine since). They tend to be fast action and on the heavy side. On the other hand, these blanks are very inexpensive and, for the price, I can't complain.
I'll probably continue to use them.
I bought a 8' 4 wt blank at the lancaster show last year (didn't see him this year) for 20 bucks and it has turned into one of my favorite rods.
they were there at both somerset and lancaster. Could've been easy to walk by though.
I won a 9ft 8wt combo'd with a Redington Path reel in a drawing at a local flyshop. Really nice looking rod. Reel seems adequate as well. Not sure when I'll ever get salmon fishing, but its nice to know I have a tool for the trade. I'll take it next time I head to Erie for Steel and see what happens.