Anybody in SE PA having any luck?



Dec 9, 2012
I was out on the Conestoga yesterday, thinking maybe the warm water species would be active by now. I hardly even saw signs of fish! Saw one little splashy rise out in the middle of the river (of course I couldn't get a fly out there because I only had hip boots) and no signs of anything else. Has anyone else had any luck with warm water fishing yet this year?
jeremymcon wrote:
Has anyone else had any luck with warm water fishing yet this year?

Not much for me.
I usually fish the pre-spawn pretty hard for bass and this year was very tough.....probably due to very cold water temps that suddenly skyrocketed rather than a more predictable increase (at least this is my current theory/excuse). I got a few nice bass but really had to work for 'em and places that usually produce fish in March did not seem to have fish when I fished 'em. The last time I was out for bass (a few days ago) I saw male bass starting redds and when I start seeing this I usually focus on other fish until summer.

Really weird year - went from wintertime water temps to spawning in what seemed like only a matter of days(!).
My results have been identical to FI's mentioned above on the however on the Conestoga. I wouldnt think the fish would be very actively rising so dont go by that unless you get a crazy hatch going around you. I had to work hard for my fish and get down deep and twitch twitch twitch. I floated 15 miles of the Conestoga a week or so back on a day that was close to 70 out and didnt see 1 rising fish and only brought about half dozen to hand.
I was not fishing the SE, but fished some rivers in the South Central PA Region and one river fished great and the other two were so cold that what we mostly saw were trout in what is considered prime smallmouth water. I would guess that we are two weeks behind the seasonal norm and a month behind last year when we had super mild Winter and Spring.