Any trout in Greenspring?



May 22, 2013
Has anyone fished this creek since the fish kill at the hatchery?

I fished it once in the special reg area and didn't see a trout. The water looked okay and the shiners/chubs were plentiful.
GS has been one of my favorite spots being only 4 miles from home. I was fishing it the day of the fish kill and didn't even catch a chub. Thought it odd at the time as I had been doing quite well over the winger. Perhaps it was attibutable to the issue upstream or I just got skunked. Have not had the time to go back.
I was there about 3 or 4 days after and caught fish.
I fished it yesterday for the first time. Could be a neat little stream, but its proximity to the road lends itself to quite a bit of poaching if I had to guess (I saw plenty of signs in the immediate road area).

I parked at the pulloff on Bulls Head Road where it crosses the stream (just south of Greenspring Rd) and fished upstream a bit, then downstream all the way to the Connie. I netted a nice 16" rainbow stocker and a smaller rainbow that appeared to be missing his adipose fin. Other than that, I saw very few fish and those were the only two of the trip caught.

A white wooly bugger worked well on this stream FWIW.
I like Green Spring, but haven't fished it is a few years. How milky was the water?
I fished it a few times this year, but not since the kill. Last time was just a few days before the kill. I've had good luck with green and gray scuds and caught quite a few rainbows, mostly stockers, but some wild ones, including a few fingerlings. The water is always a bit milky, at least when I've been there.
