any one in north west pa wanna go on a brookie mission?



Aug 20, 2012
So my buddy who was going to go with me backed out last minute. And I'd rather not fish alone so far from people, and no cell reception.

So im going tomorrow and will be fishing in the Sheffield PA area.

It will be one or two streams, one is a "class A" stream and the other my buddy swears by. Pm for details.

Thanks and sorry for the super short notice..
DJBerg wrote:
So my buddy who was going to go with me backed out last minute. And I'd rather not fish alone so far from people, and no cell reception.

So im going tomorrow and will be fishing in the Sheffield PA area.

It will be one or two streams, one is a "class A" stream and the other my buddy swears by. Pm for details.

Thanks and sorry for the super short notice..

Another convert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it when we hook them this bad! :hammer:
Yeah other than pcray n swattie gettimg me my first fish(trout wise), and a native brookie on top of that. I was able to get a bunch of super useful info on where to find them!

haha, I promised you a novel. Check your PM's. Incoming!!!
Holy crap, I guess PM's aren't like twitter and held to 140 characters! LMAO

Congrats DJ, you've been "pcray'd"!
The man fished with me, and was interested in NW PA. He gets my NW PA novel.

FWIW, I had it saved in MS word from the previous time I sent it out. Tweaked it a bit, then copied and pasted. MS Word says it's only 1700 words, 7269 characters (not including spaces).

Noda damn thing wrong with that. If someone wants to share good info im all ears!

Also on a side note recap of last weekend, pcray, have you heard from swattie?!?!?! I havent seeen a post from him yet and we were giving him pointers on working with electricity. So I wonder if he didnt hurt himself or cook his pc!?!??!?
I saw the "Becker, we're alive" post, but suppose that was pre-electrical work. Hope we didn't lead him astray!

(Just checked, his profile says he logged in today, but hasn't posted since "Becker, we're alive).
Love it! Yep, good info from good sources is something to be thankful for. I've been "pcray'd" a time or two and can say "useful" doesn't do them justice!
Thanks for the concern guys...I'm ok :-o

Turned out there was a GFCI hidden between my wife's cooking untensil jar/holder thingy and where she keeps the olive oil jug on the counter...DUH! Thought it through some more and realized it basically had to be a GFCI downstream somewhere of the fridge outlet, which was the first on that circuit. Looked at the untensil thing and knew it without even having to move it. I don't think I ever knew that outlet was even there other than when I put up the tile backsplash and had to tile around it, and I don't think anything's ever been plugged into it. No worries, Swattie's alive and well!
Glad your alive and didn't burn down your house. :) And hope we didn't get you in too much trouble with the Mrs. by taking you away from a needed repair.
Naaa...Mrs. Swattie didn't even care...her thought was there was still like 4 outlets in the kitchen that worked fine. Bugged the snot out of me though.
Good deal I figured after a week and not hearing anything, started wondering.
Just to get your juices flowing even more. Here's some SE PA Brookies that I got this week.

pcray and Swattie, these are from the video stream. And oddly my walking staff didn't do its Cupid's Arrow impression without Dog there. :roll:


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oh yeah, so i went to micheals to see about picking up some foam for foam beetles... yeah on the shelf it was listed @ $7.99, when i was rung out it came up $4.50, and these are 6"x9" pieces....

Untitled by dj.berg, on Flickr
I think i'm set on foam for a while...

and foxgap i'm still raging from last weekend. though i do wish i could have seen all that went down on the l.l. too!

also tried tying a stimulator on an orvis sz 16 dry, not so much... though on thier sz 12 i got it going, though i managed to cut off the rear hackle while trimming the hair. :roll:
sorry mods i know i put it in the wrong forum, was ust hoping to find some one to join me and it worked!

Boychick n i went out and fished in the shefffield area, had a nice hike, walked down the little version of said stream we were on to hit the main one. only to find nada...

so back to the little one, we went. sort of doubtful that we would find anything but we did.

i got the first one, and though he was tiny i took a pic incase he was the only one...

Untitled by dj.berg, on Flickr

then the other noteable one i caught, the rest were 3-5" and i long line released a real nice one when i got im to me and was coming out of the water...

Untitled by dj.berg, on Flickr

and a blurry pic of boychick landing a 2-4" lunker, photo was candied and cell phones are crap to shoot with...

Untitled by dj.berg, on Flickr

but i had to leave @ 3 so we parted ways and he went else were, while i was in route to go shoot some muskie fishing, but mother nature had other plans. so a rain out on that one. though i did get my buddies 5wt mystic switch rod back form our other friend... now i have a new toy to play with for a few days.:lol::lol::lol:
I met up with DJBerg in yesterday morning form some small stream exploration. As I rolled into the parking lot to meet him, I drove over a beer bottle crushing it. We checked my tire and it looked OK, but who knew if it was going to hold up. Not a great way to start a trip.

From there it was off to find the access point. We geared up and hiked in. We headed down a steep slope where we found a tributary to the run we intended to fish. We made a half-hearted attempt to fish this trib as we moved downstream to find the main stem. DJ had moved one fish on the trib. This was an encouraging sign that bolstered our expectations for the main stem. We decided it to hike down to the main stem and fish up the trib on the way out. When we got down to main stem, the water looked really fishy. It was about twice the size of the trib we had come down, excellent pools, lots of deep spots near logjams or under root balls. There were nice casting lanes (for a brookie stream). The main stem looked very promising. We fished up a ways; neither of us got a fish to rise. We were a bit disappointed, but pressed on with hopes for better fishing upstream. Shortly after we decided to keep moving up the main stem, a bunch of local kids came through on quads. A few minutes after we saw the quads, the water turned to mochachino. We guessed the kids took those quads across the stream. That was the sign to move on. We decided to head back and fish up the trib since we knew it held fish.

The fishing quickly improved, DJ got on the board first with a little guy. I had one on and off, and missed another. Both seemed very small three inches or smaller. At least there were fish and they were rising to our flies. We leapfrogged up the stream and both of caught several brookies. DJ caught a nice one, roughly an eight incher. He must have lost a real trophy fish based on all the expletives I heard him yell! I caught three that were between six and eight inches and a bunch of little guys in the three to four inch range.

DJ had some commitments in the afternoon so we headed back to the car. When we parted ways, I drove to another brookie stream. It started to downpour as I drove. OK, at least I was in the car for the rain, right? I geared up as the rain was tapering off, but still coming down in a steady drizzle. I quickly caught a couple of fish, and in what seemed like an instant change, the stream went from crystal clear to muddy brown. I continued to fish up a bit, but it was futile. The flow had increased to a raging torrent for this little stream, the water had risen almost a foot and was out of the banks. I decided to head to another stream where I would be able to access at the headwaters in hopes that it would be clearer.

When I got to the next stream, I was running short on time. I had about a half hour to fish and didn’t catch anything. I took off at about 7:00pm for the three hour ride home.

It was a great day in the National Forest and it was good to meet another PAflyfish guy.


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Nice. I see I have some PM's stacking up. If from either of you guys, just FYI, my inbox is having "technical issues", I can't get into my messages.
email me pat, got a question for ya.