Any idea of these?



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
Anyone guess what materials are being used here, looks like green larva lace for the abdomen, the thorax is just dubbed with something and has epoxy on top? Im not sure of whats being used for the tail or wings/legs there,.
tails could be anything from bucktail to just fancy teathers...the legs appear to be mallard flank but could be any barred feather. Some of teh wing cases could just be baggie material but the 4 on teh left look like epoxy or maybe UV knot sense...this is when I get out my materials and see what will make due...

There's your wingcase. Flashback nymphs are awesome.
Haha, just bought some of that actually JayL. THanks tom.
thats kind of what I thought, at first, but they didn't look pearly enough...could be...
you could tie it with thin skin with flashabou underneath that should give you the same effect
It's cut strips of something. I think the flashback should give the same effect, pretty much, if it's not.

Wayne is right though. Use flashabou if ya got it. I just dig through the box til something looks right. Hell, I'm still using JackSteel's cat dubbing all the time.
IF you have Crystal flash you can flip that over the back for the wing case. that is what i do in some situations for patterns that call for something of that nature for a wing case.
just remember boys flashbacks imitate the nymph prior to hatching, use a dull wing case for a nymph not in hatch mode..the flash is supposed to imitate the gas bubble forming..on a normal nymph the case is not carry both types...

I do too, but I think the flash is good on stockers too.