Any fishing in Melbourne, Florida?



Apr 26, 2009
Will be headed to Melbourne, FL, the last week of February for a week for work. Hoping to possibly get out to do some fishing, but not sure what my schedule will look like while I am there. Anybody done any fishing down that way? Any recommendations of places to go or decent fly shop/guide to contact? Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help!
There's always something biting in FL. My guess would be reds in the shallows, and maybe specks or pompano. Further out you could get Spanish and jacks I suppose.

Hopefully GG or Pete will chime in.
Look into wading access for the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) and the Banana River in the Melbourne area. Both are highly regarded fisheries. You should find Redfish, Speckled Trout, and Snook, among other species.

Wish I could offer more info, but I haven't made it down there...yet. Good luck!
Check Florida site.
Snook are in season over there as well as red and sea trout. The Mosquito Lagoon and BannanaRiver as Good fortune mentioned should hold fish barring a bad cold snap. No idea on bait shops etc. GG
If your looking to fly fish you will need a guide if you expect to get on fish- they are there but you need to figure out where…
However for just fishing head down to Sebastin [sp] inlet-one of the 2 or 3 best places on the coast...
I was there last year in mid Feb. and loved it. Harry Goods Fly Shop is a great place to start. He can point you in the right direction. There are options for kayak rentals and I think turkey and crane creeks both have snook and baby tarpon. Other spots will have sight fishing for redfish. The surf fishers were doing well with pompano but I didn't try.
I understand there is some great lm bass action nearby too. Good luck.