Any events or seminars coming up?



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
I rarely shop here but thought someone might benefit from some of the topics.

Anyone else have any events of interest besides the big daddy contest?

Something at the Breeches coming up I think.
Annual Pennsylvania Fly Fishing Heritage Day 6/14 Allenberry

The linked article explains it all:


There is a forum in the top section for Announcements & Events. I may move this thread up there later today or tomorrow.
Never thought to post there. Seems more appropriate.
It gets very little looks, I'm afraid. If you really want it to be seen, the General Forum probably gets better exposure. Still, I try to use it in the hope it will get more popular for others to check in if they start to see more activity there.

I suspect the lack of looks is due to the lack of new posts.

If I see a new post at any of the forums at the top of the list, I almost always look.
That's my thinking also, which is why I try to post events there, to increase the activity. I don't want to move posts there immediately, though, because it might seem like a punishment to the person who started the thread. as I mentioned, I'll move this later after it has had a bit of exposure here.
Just be sure to pop a new post on to the end, so that the little envelope lights up. That's what gets people, methinks.
Just following Jay's advice.
The breeches shop ( is holding a 15 yrs anniversary sale. They also have a flyfishing school starting up in the next few days (june 19) and there is a trip to Paradise Valley (unguided). So there's a few things going on there. (since you asked)
I love single track. Biked slick rock trail once. Of course I did'nt make it off the practice loop. It was over 110 degrees that day.

Need to fish the Breeches again but not near Allenberry.

Paradise Valley sounds great. Someday when I win the lottery- I'll buy all the rods on the whole river.