any clue on this bamboo rod?



Sep 11, 2006
anyone have any information on this rod? cant seem to find anything on the net. Dont know a lot about bamboo but this looked to be in really great shape or redone. Its a 3 piece with an extra tip. It says "The Rainbow Bamboo Fly Rod - Oneida Tackle built by Master Craftsman"...thanks (nevermind the floral comforter :)



Oneida is a town in NY, just east of Syracuse I believe. That's all I got.
clarks' classic tackle forum is your new friend. be nice, they're smart people who endlessly answer questions like yours.

expect it to be any one of a vast array of other makes, from the likes of heddon, south bend, or montague.

thanks gfen, gonna check it out now...
It has some of the markings of a Montague.
Looks much like an H-I* to me.

*Horrocks Ibbotson

75 years from now, will our children be sitting around looking at random fly rods and thinking, "wonder who rolled this blank? looks like a redington? no way, its a sage." or will no one really care because plastic has no soul?

What'd the Clarks' Hivemind tell you, Tups?
From gfen ;

75 years from now, will our children be sitting around looking at random fly rods and thinking, "wonder who rolled this blank? looks like a redington? no way, its a sage." or will no one really care because plastic has no soul?

Will there be any water clean enough to care about fishing, salt water included?
KeithS wrote:
Will there be any water clean enough to care about fishing, salt water included?

If Engaland is source of the continued progression of fishing, we'll all be fishing for carp and chubs anyways.
gfen wrote:
If Engaland is source of the continued progression of fishing, we'll all be fishing for carp and chubs anyways.

That'd put things right in your wheelhouse. :lol:

Maybe they'll name the sucker fishing derby on Crooked River after you.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Maybe they'll name the sucker fishing derby on Crooked River after you.

When I die, I'm going to have them rename the "Proposal Bench" to the "Get the Eff Outta My Backcast I'm on Lunch for 10 More Minutes Bench."
It kinda looks like an H-I I have. Nice rig none the less.
Gfen: Clark's Hivemind? Please explain.

BTW, England was not the source of continued progression when it came to bamboo rods; that would have been Central Valley NY.
Regarding the world of fly fishing 100 years hence, no doubt we would be surprised at the direction things might go. I am reminded of Woody Allen's "Sleeper" in which a futuristic Rip Van Winkle awakes after a century of rest to be greeted by a doctor offering him a cigarette. When the slumberer declines in near-disgust, the doctor replies: "But it's tobacco, the best possible thing for your health."

One hundred years from now, free societies will have clean water and graphite will be forgotten and dismissed as the apex of clubbishness. No doubt we will be back to bamboo in a genetically engineered form valued for it's flex and feel and liveliness. There is nothing new under the sun.
Tups wrote:
Gfen: Clark's Hivemind? Please explain.

Hivemind. Its not a single persona that knows all things in forgotten tomato stake rods, but the sum total. The Hivemind.

GFen: I take it then that you are referring to the tribal wisdom of the Clark's antique tackle website. I have not been there for many moons. Rather I have been wasting my hours here instead. In any case, I am nearly certain the rod in question is an HI. I have 2 of them, and the grip and reel seat pictured above are dead-ringers for the pedestrian quality of HI. If I am not mistaken, HI, which was the largest tackle manufacturer in the world for perhaps 50 years, was located in Utica NY.
"Tribal wisdom" doesn't tickle me like "hivemind" does.

FWIW, this is the response i got from the Clarks website and it was much appreciated....

"I agree with it being an H&I trade rod, they would let you name the rod, have decal or writing put on it, the choice of wrap colors if you bought 10 or more rods. A high mid grade 9’ H&I would have 9 or 10 stripper, guide, tip top combination more than 12 would be a higher grade less than 7 would be lower and when you get down to 4 you’re in the cellar."
