Another way to tie up tandems..... the laziest way



Dec 16, 2008
Today I took an 18" piece of 5x and being the lazy orsh that I am tied 3 flies to it each using a cinch knot and spaced about equal on the line. Anyone else ever try this or see any negatives to it.

The general consense on here has been tying to the bend of the hook but this way is so much faster and easier and I think should improve line strength or at least eliminate the weakest link being in the end of your tippet.

Any thoughs would be appreciated.

Best part was I caught 2 on the first fly and 2 on the second so I feel pretty confident it still gives the proper drift.
if you use a palomar knot, the fly will stay 90 degrees to the line.
I respectfully refuse to answer until you change your avatar back. ;-)

Seriously though, it's not a bad way to do it until you want to change the upper flies - then you have 2 knots to do for each fly.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
I respectfully refuse to answer until you change your avatar back. ;-)

Seriously though, it's not a bad way to do it until you want to change the upper flies - then you have 2 knots to do for each fly.

lol she needed a break from all the gawkers I'll bring her back when the time is right....

Good point H.A. this was the first time I have tried this and felt like some sort of genius well until I chucked the 3 fly set up into a tree.

Andy grab that for me next time your there will ya ;-) you'll know it's mine when you see it.

Typically my first 2 flies are staples I rarely change the 3rd fly is the experiment.

BTW I'm really liking the BHPN which ryan mentioned a few time.

Tonite I used a green weenie, BHPN and scud set up. Scud being the orphan with no takers.
I did this for a few weeks this spring, but snapped three fish off, and found myself losing flies to rocks way too often. I was using 4 and 5x and it was breaking very easily.

When you apply pressure, it tightens each one of the knots, which seems to weaken the tippet.

Based on my experiece, I wouldn't do it. But if it works for you, cool.
I've done similar, but used surgeon's loops which stand out at 90o to the line, and are about the simplest knots to tie.

On the dinks I catch, I don't have much problems, but I did notice that I'd be more likely to lose the whole rig to a snag by breaking off the top knot first.
Like Jay, I've also tried it before and had break-offs when snagged or on big fish. I believe the IC knot is a constriction knot and will break when pressure is applied. Here is an article from Loren William's site that explains it quite well.
I've tried a few different setups but always come back to tying off at the hook bend. I usually tie a larger weighted fly (phesant tail, walts worm or hares ear) at the top and go smaller and lighter towards the end. I feel if a fish refuses the first he may be triggered into grabbing a swmming nymph or trailing soft hackle. As a rule I almost always use progressively lighter lb leader the further away I get from the first fly.