AMD cleanup in the Lehigh River Watershed



Well-known member
Apr 15, 2014

25 million in funding was announced today to clean up 12 abandoned mine land sites in PA. One of which would cleanup a very scenic stream and open up more recreational opportunities in the gorge area.

Carbon County
Quakake Tunnel acid mine drainage treatment/trout stream restoration/Black Creek Trail creation, Packer Township and Weatherly Borough: An active treatment system to remove acid will restore 8 miles of wild trout stream (Quakake Creek and Black Creek). The new Black Creek Trail will be constructed from Weatherly Borough to Lehigh Gorge State Park, and opportunities for outdoor recreation and related local commerce will increase.

I have not seen any plans or posts discussing actual project plans for this site. While I was in college I had the opportunity to sample this particular stream (aquatic life virtually nonexistent) and it is a beautiful stream with great instream habitat, if water quality can be improved this will support wild trout in no time. Not to mention the benefits this could have for the Lehigh as well. I look forward to seeing what will happen here.
WOW this is great news. the creek is within walking distance of my house. The contribution to the Lehigh is welcome also. Should clear up some nice water on the west bank below the confluence with the river. Certainly good for downstream also.

Thanks for posting. So many streams on the west bank of the Lehigh in the Gorge area are essentially sterile, but they are all cold. Remediating these waters can only have an exponential effect on the downstream waters. These little tribs are the life blood to the Lehigh until we can get improvement/modifications to the tower at FEW in order to sustain cold water for the 60 days we need it during the summer months.

The potential for spawning habitat is also very good if the water quality improvements are significant. The potential for several more miles of public Access trails and another access point to the gorge will be great for all as well.
Read in paper today 3MM was set aside for black creek. Which is great. No further info as to location or other specifics. Though I have an educated guess. Will report
If I can confirm. Another 3MM for some abandoned mine reclamation which will help indirectly.

The stream does draw some kayak traffic hopefully not so much more as to affect fishing. It's not all that wide perhaps 20-25 ft. A few kayaks can ruin a good day fishing.
Word to the wise, and the local guys watching this situation in their watershed; Get involved in this process and watch how and where and when that money is spent.

Some 25+ plus years ago, a coal operator hereabouts wiped out 43 miles of a local, recovering watershed. The details are endless and I no longer have the energy to repeat the story. But, in brief, Pa TU, the PFBC, the DEP and numerous local watershed associations were asleep at the switch and did nothing. It took a local landowner, an environmental lawyer working pro-bono, and one or 2 other citizens to pursue it clear to the US Attorney's office to bring the offender to take responsibility. The result was a huge verdict in favor of the watershed, which never materialized, other than a few token gestures like a bunch of stocked fingerlings, a few otters released nearby, etc, etc.
A bunch of the money was passed along to a well-connected Harrisburg engineering firm for "studies" of the situation that never bore any fruit. When I questioned their representative about their bill for services, he replied, "let me make my living."
To sum it up, nobody won but the polluter and the officiating buracrats got to cover their behinds with a few feel-good nothings.

Pa TU said and did nothing, as did the local watershed association. Oh, and by the way, that tributary runs the color of Sunkist orange juice to this very day.
BillPress wrote:
Word to the wise, and the local guys watching this situation in their watershed; Get involved in this process and watch how and where and when that money is spent.

Some 25+ plus years ago, a coal operator hereabouts wiped out 43 miles of a local, recovering watershed. The details are endless and I no longer have the energy to repeat the story. But, in brief, Pa TU, the PFBC, the DEP and numerous local watershed associations were asleep at the switch and did nothing. It took a local landowner, an environmental lawyer working pro-bono, and one or 2 other citizens to pursue it clear to the US Attorney's office to bring the offender to take responsibility. The result was a huge verdict in favor of the watershed, which never materialized, other than a few token gestures like a bunch of stocked fingerlings, a few otters released nearby, etc, etc.
A bunch of the money was passed along to a well-connected Harrisburg engineering firm for "studies" of the situation that never bore any fruit. When I questioned their representative about their bill for services, he replied, "let me make my living."
To sum it up, nobody won but the polluter and the officiating buracrats got to cover their behinds with a few feel-good nothings.

Pa TU said and did nothing, as did the local watershed association. Oh, and by the way, that tributary runs the color of Sunkist orange juice to this very day.

Which stream are you referring to?
This is Yuuuuge news for the Lehigh Wild Trout. This is prime spawning grounds for Lehigh River wild trout once its cleaned up. Also the downstream benefits to increased water quality in the river below will be substantial.
Perhaps a Black Creek Watershed Association should be formed. I need look into organizing that as a watchdog.

great tip Bill.
would be great if the mine drainge input to wetzel creek could be treated and improve black creek as it flows over east to the lehigh.

this discussion reminds of map-viewing the headwaters of quakkake creek, just south of mcadoo and just east of 309. I know the quakake creek headwaters are an input to black creek, which is further east, and not involved in this plan. still, the headwaters of quakake creek look so trouty (forested, mauch chunk bedrock that is decent or better on acid rain) even though there are mines north and west of them.

nice if that could all connect back to the lehigh.

I believe DEP website has info to help start a watershed group. If you can't find it, let me know. I'll ask around to see what I come up with.
PAGeo. Will do.

As hinted at in my 1st post, I think the best spot for treatment would be below confluence of Black and Quakake Ck, you would effectively kill two birds with one stone. Not knowing specific water chemistries and treatment plan, there may be a good reason for alternative placement.

Quakake Ck. is good water and holds fish. It becomes tainted at confluence of Wetzel Run just below Hudsondale Reservoir. By placing treatment on Black Crk below confluence with Quakake (just South of Weatherly) you would eliminate negative effects of Wetzel Rn (via Quakake Cr) and Black Creek above Weatherly.

Again this is the most logical placement but Im sure there are other issues such as zoning, land use, water chemistry, flow rate etc that I am not taking into account, that will determine location
I'm not very familiar with the proposed project up there. Our biologist said he was impressed with the watershed though and said it would make a great fishery. The AMD issues up there are nothing like what I deal with in Western PA.

We try to get the discharges before they get into the stream. Much less water to treat and you get back more stream. The biggest issue many times is getting the water to one location to treat.