AMAZINGLY Small Stream



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
This is just amazing.
The last pic is proof that Muddlers work in reply to the muddler topic
nice trout! tryin to figure out where that stream is....havent been able to. if you dont mind given it up you can pm me and if not i understand......sometimes its the best thing! for you and the trout :-D
This is not in pa, and this is not me.
that would explain it! :-D
There are some small streams in Pa. that produce such nice size trout in comparison to the size (width) of the stream. If the photos show the typical habitat of this stream I would say that one aspect is typical of streams that produce an abundance of large general terms, the average depth to width ratio (of course, cold temps and decent substrate as well). It is all about the habitat.
yep it is all about habitat.....falling spring and letort produce some good ones!
Big Sky Country?
I was guessing in the Denver area, but...
My guess in N California Tahoe area
Well, the building in the first pic does say "Ross" as in Ross reels? Then my guess is Montrose, Colorado.
Ross is a department store.
Quote: Ross is a department store.

Well I don't buy my fishing gear in a dept. store so I wouldn't know, but I stand corrected. :-D