Am i reading this right ?



Active member
Dec 10, 2006
Bryn Mawr, PA
Was looking at the DEP maps about permits issued and wells drilled from 2009-2012. I used Bradford county as an example and came up with a total of 981 wells drilled. At 5 acres per pad site that would total 4,905 acres under construction at one time or another. Is this right ? I think so...The numbers are amazing when you look at all the other counties. I guess I better like fishing for smallies in the Brandywine in the future...
Yeah, that sounds about right. Bradford County as a whole is 743,000 acres, give or take. So that comes to about 0.66% of the area is covered by a gas wells that were drilled in the last 3 y ears, or are going to be drilled soon. That's pretty high when you think about it.
its a high number in my mind when I try to visualize 1000 + wells in any given county. i'm going to see if Google Earth can can give me a overview picture. I don't get up there often and was just curious how it all ''looks''. For the record, as some may know, not a big fan of how the state has handled the whole MS industry.
Well, the number's nothing new. Even before a single Marcellus well was drilled, PA had about 200,000 producing gas wells, concentrated on the west side of the state.

Those shallow wells averaged only about an acre for the pad size, but there were/are a lot more of em.
AndyP wrote:
Was looking at the DEP maps about permits issued and wells drilled from 2009-2012. I used Bradford county as an example and came up with a total of 981 wells drilled. At 5 acres per pad site that would total 4,905 acres under construction at one time or another. Is this right ? I think so...The numbers are amazing when you look at all the other counties. I guess I better like fishing for smallies in the Brandywine in the future...

Is that wells or pad sites? Don't they drill multiple wells per site?
Franklin- I was wondering the same thing but I'm guessing that one pad site equals one permit. Pcray- It would be interesting to look back and see how many oil or shallow gas wells were drilled in a relative time period. It would allow us to see the ''intensity'' or lack of regarding the MS activity. For the record I will not do that analysis :) !
each well, even if 10-12 wells on a pad has its own permit. I would divide that number by 5 to be a bit more accurate. Some pads probably only have 1 or 2 wells right now, but I know that there are 10 well pads out there.