Al's Trico



Jun 2, 2014
Today, I visited Heritage fly shop at the LL. I wanted to pick up some grizzly hackle to tie some AL's tricos. Although Dave didnt have any to sell me he went into his box and pulled out a neck and told me this.

Take this, and tie as many as you need to from it, When you get one of your own just bring this one back to me. It was originally Al's.

Now call me a sap, but i think that is pretty damn cool to tie an Al's trico, with hackle that was owned by the man himself. I tied 3 tonight with pride. I will say though, it takes some practice working with such small materials on a size 24 hook.
Way cool
That's pretty cool, and a typical "Dave" thing he did.

I was blessed to have known Al, and spent many a day with him - fishing, tying flies and b.s.'ing at the shop, often while listening to Phillies games on the radio.

Remind me to tell you a few stories about him on Saturday.

Somewhere, I'm sure Al is looking down and watching you tie those tricos. I can almost hear his laugh, and his friendly advice "Too many wraps." :)
FishInPhilly wrote:
Today, I visited Heritage fly shop at the LL. I wanted to pick up some grizzly hackle to tie some AL's tricos. Although Dave didnt have any to sell me he went into his box and pulled out a neck and told me this.

Take this, and tie as many as you need to from it, When you get one of your own just bring this one back to me. It was originally Al's.

Now call me a sap, but i think that is pretty damn cool to tie an Al's trico, with hackle that was owned by the man himself. I tied 3 tonight with pride. I will say though, it takes some practice working with such small materials on a size 24 hook.

Very nice. You will never see that happen at Wally World or ****'s or
That's pretty awesome. Dave is a class act. Always very helpful when I stop in his shop.
Dave is a great guy. He gave me a vise when i first started tying. He always has time to give advice and will teach with a smile. His selection of stuff is limited but stopping in for things now and then is definateky worth it.
Don't really know him. But sounds like a stand up guy. also tying tricos with Al's grizz. neck is very cool indeed.

That is why I'll go out of the way to go to a fly shop with a live human. And Dave is one of the classiest around...
Dave is one of the best guys you can know. He will always help you and answer any question you may have.
Give him your support when you are fishing the Little Lehigh.
Haha i could see him chuckling at me fumbling with (and breaking while wrapping) the tiny hackle, and making the dubbing too big, and snapping the 8/0 thread with a sigh. haha. look forward to the stories and good times Saturday.

I wish I didnt have to travel so far to a fly shop. Note, the LL is 67 miles each way for me.

Heritage-Angler wrote:
That's pretty cool, and a typical "Dave" thing he did.

I was blessed to have known Al, and spent many a day with him - fishing, tying flies and b.s.'ing at the shop, often while listening to Phillies games on the radio.

Remind me to tell you a few stories about him on Saturday.

Somewhere, I'm sure Al is looking down and watching you tie those tricos. I can almost hear his laugh, and his friendly advice "Too many wraps." :)
you dont "have" to drive to the lehigh valley, you have a couple choices:

1. the Orvis store in Plymouth Meeting - Afish who posted above runs the Fly fishing dept there. I try to go there when I can

2. TCO in Bryn Mawr
Must agree that Dave is a great guy - feels good to drop a few $ in his shop, even if I COULD get some of the stuff elsewhere - the "consulting" is priceless.
govtmule wrote:
you dont "have" to drive to the lehigh valley, you have a couple choices:

1. the Orvis store in Plymouth Meeting - Afish who posted above runs the Fly fishing dept there. I try to go there when I can

2. TCO in Bryn Mawr

Ive been to Orvis, and attended the ff101 and ff201 with "afish" Tom who is a Great guy (dont tell anyone though, its not worth the argument) . Even that store is a 60 mile round trip haha. but yeah, Ill have to start doing that more often.
65 miles round trip to there haha. Now im not saying im not willing to make any of these trips, but none are at the distance of "stop by the fly shop real quick"

beadhead2 wrote:
How about The Sporting Gentleman in Media ?
Local fly shops are so nice to have because of things like that. Things like that make you wait until you can get back to that shop to make your purchases. This without a doubt shows what kind of man he is and how much he cares about the other people who do it.