Allenberry Resort being sold



Sep 6, 2013
Hoping it goes into some good hands, the museum looks to be a part of this as well.
I'm hoping it goes into good hands as well. The fishing situation could drastically change there if they sell all of the property with the resort.

Just so it's not Home Waters/SRC/Beav. In reality, though, many other owners would pose the same level of threat. I'm pretty sure the stream itself is not owned by anyone but it wouldn't be very nice if access required walking through the water.
They could post their side. There are sections just downstream from Aberry that are posted on both sides.

Allenberry Incorporated owns both sides.
it will be the next orvis endorsed five star flyfishing and spa resort - like the Homestead in Hot Springs,VA.

they'll probably close the stream and stock oversized pellet pigs too.

a shame it is that no benevolent sole could buy it and donate it to the Town.
I hope something good comes of it. Any idea what it does for the museum? I think it's in a good place and the heritage event was really nice.

Maybe when I hit the powerball I'll have both schicalimmy? And allenberry.
There are really only two broad possibilities:

1. Someone buys and continues the present business model; or
2. Someone buys and privatizes the entire affair.

In the latter case, expect the museum to be looking for another home. I guess that it doesn't really draw in enough paying customers to justify the space.

As for the Spring Ridge Club targeting this property, I would venture a guess it is unlikely. He doesn't need another clubhouse, but he could probably use some new leases, so that remains a possibility that he or someone else will seek exclusive fishing rights with the new owner.
are the lodges listed buildings ?

$6million seems a lot for 51 rooms and three cottages to provide a sustainable net revenue stream of north of 6%...

i think they'll find it difficult to get a buyer at that price with the current business model - there are at least two similar resorts for sale in the poconos still unsold for a lot lot less as the regional tourism business is dying on its feet right now as people want to go further afield.

if the buildings are listed that restricts devlopment and the property could be on the market for years, a decade even.
