Allegheny Native



New member
Mar 11, 2007

Does anyone follow these guys? I can't remember how I stumbled on them but I started following them on Instagram. They put out some really good videos.

I know the whole protocol and secretness around revealing fishing locations but I am more curious about where they are catching decent wild browns on small streams. My guess was in the south central part of PA? I know of a few small stream brown locations around State College/Central PA but that is it. Does anyone know anything more? Thanks
I watch them regularly. Probably the best local PA FFing stuff out there on YT, IMO. They haven't put out a new fishing vid in a while, but I always look forward to them when they do. A couple others you may like are Hardway Outdoors, Everyday Outdoorsmen, and Backyard Angling. In the same vein as AN, perhaps not quite as slickly produced, but still very good production, by YT vid standards.

Anyway, I recognize and have fished a few of the streams the AN guys are fishing. I'm assuming they're intentionally choosing to not name them in the videos, so out respect for that, I won't out them, here or privately via PM. If you watch close on some of the videos there are some context clues that can help reveal the general location, and probably even the specific stream in some instances if you do a little homework and map studying.

The ones I recognize, yeah, they're good streams, but there's all kinds of good similar small streams that hold similar wild Brown Trout all over PA. The state wild Trout maps and a topo map of state forests and game lands will get you on plenty of these.
I know of a few small stream brown locations around State College/Central PA but that is it.

You need to get out more ;-) but seriously check out the pa wild trout streams map. Your located in one of the best areas of the state. At least in terms of wild fish per mile of stream.
Yes, AN has some great videos, but I watch more of Wooly Bugged's videos. He's always chasing blue lines, and will often give up the stream name. He's careful which names he gives up though. :)
located in my area in a wild brookie stream, all wild


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Wild brown trout in forested freestone streams are very common.

A common pattern is that way up, where the streams are really small, you find only brook trout.

Then a little further down it's still predominately brook trout, but some brown trout appear.

And the brown trout numbers increase as you go further downstream.

In the areas with very infertile geology though, the streams can flow for a long way and get pretty large, and there will still be no brown trout, just brookies.

This is because the brook trout are more tolerant of acidity than brown trout.
never had browns on this stream before. was all brookies for years.
I expect that to continue. PH of rainfall is rising. Browns will expand further into areas currently occupied by brookies.
Woolybugged seems to be a little more cautious on stream names he gives out. Last year he gave away some names of small class A or high class b brook trout streams that have restricted access due to long hikes or seasonally closed roads. One stream that I am familiar with received a lot more attention this spring while the road is open for turkey season. I really enjoy the allegheny native videos and agree with swattie that they are probably the best produced yt videos from pa.
With a really busy job and two small kids at home I am limited to about 2 fishing trips a year when I pilgrimage back to the old college stomping grounds, so I am very familiar with all of the good water around State College and Northwestern PA where I hunt.

But as far as recognizing the streams that the AN boys fish on I will never be able to figure it out. I was always taking a guess that they are fishing in the South Central part of the state; places I will never visit unless I have some drastic lifestyle changes.
I've had opportunities to share streams with and watch the Allegheny Native, Wooly Bugged, and Backyard Angling crews, all mentioned above, as they do their things.

All great guys.

Ironically, I watch very little YouTube, but if their productions are anything like the guys themselves, I'm sure they're top notch videos.
