Air-Lock Strike Indicators



Jul 2, 2013
To be a strike indicator can be tough sometimes, but I know that there are situations in which I use them. In this video, I share my favorite types and some of the ways I use the Air-Locks.

There are lots of other types and situations out there, and I'd love to hear more about which kinds others prefer.


Too bad you didn’t have a solution for dropping those damn nuts in the water.
My uncle used to use old fly line treated with float wax. Not sure exactly how he set it up. I just always tight lined nymph end due to small size stream and dumb stock trout. These look great for steelhead!
timbow wrote:
Too bad you didn’t have a solution for dropping those damn nuts in the water.

No kidding! I've heard there's another indicator similar that has the nuts stay attached, but I haven't used them yet...
tctrout wrote:
timbow wrote:
Too bad you didn’t have a solution for dropping those damn nuts in the water.

No kidding! I've heard there's another indicator similar that has the nuts stay attached, but I haven't used them yet...

Yeah, I saw those posted as well. If they are the same ones you are referring to, they seem to be a very unique design, almost like a helicopter blade.
Here’s some on sale at amazon
shakey wrote:
Here’s some on sale at amazon

HAHAHA, exactly what my Great Uncle John would recommend! ;-)
Rajeff Sports (that's who makes the air-lock indicators) sells extra nuts. They come five for a buck and shipping is just an extra buck.
Not really an indicator user but I do have a few thing-a-ma-bobbers in my pack for emergencies.
hagen's, buy 100 save the ****. I bought 1000. all types.

Harold's gone now, my pal, oh yea , Harold from hagen's , Mitchell s. d., my buddy.

the heck with the other gypsies. do you really think they care.