Agenda items: WT and Class A candidate maps, data



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Given the interests here, you may want to go to the PFBC web site, scroll to the bottom and see agenda items. Open them and go to Exhibits G and I. G=WT candidates, I=Class A candidates. As I recall there are 99 WT candidates and extensions.
On the class A candidate Exhibit, Brown Trout length distributions are pretty impressive in some sites in the Little J and in Bald Eagle. In all cases, when examining the population estimates be sure to look at the site lengths because they vary. Of the data presented, for direct comparisons numbers per Hectare may be more valuable to you.
Thank you for the heads up Mike.
I very much dislike how I can't find an easy way to switch from the mobile version on the new website. In fact, I'm almost always disappointed with mobile websites. Unrelated, but I can't find what you're talking about easily while on my phone and that stinks.
Mike,I keep getting an error message when I try to open it.
vealboy, if you are using an old bookmarked link to the PFBC website, that might be the cause of the problem. They've revamped the website so old links often don't work.

Just Google "PFBC" and trying going to their website that way.

I was able to open up this info.

These lists, maps, and data sets will appear at the same location about a week prior to each quarterly Commission meeting unless there are no waters as candidates to be added to the classification system at that time.
Thank You,Troutbert that did the trick.
vealboy wrote:
Thank You,Troutbert that did the trick.

You're welcome.

Looking at the Little Juniata surveys at the sites downstream from Barree made me wonder how the populations in the Little J have changed over time.

Does anyone have info from previous years to compare with?

troutbert wrote:
vealboy wrote:
Thank You,Troutbert that did the trick.

You're welcome.

Looking at the Little Juniata surveys at the sites downstream from Barree made me wonder how the populations in the Little J have changed over time.

Does anyone have info from previous years to compare with?

I wondered the same thing ^

My rather limited experience fishing the Little J (I usually fish it a few times each season) gives me the impression that the quality of trout (size distribution) has improved.

Back 5 to 10 years ago, my impression and fishing results indicated the LJ was a "numbers" stream. In other words, a lot of fish without many bigger fish caught.

Now in the last few seasons there are a lot more quality fish coming to the net. Change of regs helping?

As a side note; until five years ago or so, I was one of the anglers guilty of believing most of the fish caught were stocked as fingerlings.
I cant find this "agenda" thing to click on. Can someone be kind enough to post a link.
Found it on the desktop. Thanks for posting this.
I am sort of sad to see the WT section of the Little Schuylkill expanded. That expansion area is almost completely unfished. It's a great place to be when you want to be alone. I fished two different spots in that zone last summer and caught what I believe to be wild browns in both. It isn't hard to believe that whole area is full of them in a very low pressure section.
Hah I'm wondering if I should even hit submit on this post.
phiendWMD wrote:
I am sort of sad to see the WT section of the Little Schuylkill expanded. That expansion area is almost completely unfished. It's a great place to be when you want to be alone. I fished two different spots in that zone last summer and caught what I believe to be wild browns in both. It isn't hard to believe that whole area is full of them in a very low pressure section.
Hah I'm wondering if I should even hit submit on this post.

I doubt your post or the expansion will result in significantly increased angling pressure. Five fish shocked ranging from 7-11" probably is not going to result in hundreds of anglers pounding the beat.. Probably will be a few folks who check out the expanded range (either because of the redesignation, or even your post), but I doubt the fishery will crash.