Advice for Selling Large Quantity of Tying Materials



May 18, 2010
I obtained a large quantity of fly tying materials through one Craigslist purchase some years ago. I am not yet a prolific fly-tier, but I plan to start doing more. Regardless, I could never use all the stuff I have in several lifetimes and much of it will not be used for patterns of personal interest.

Of course, E-bay is an option. But, does anyone have any unique suggestions on how best move this stuff and make a little money to fund other aspects of my hobby? I was wondering if there was a swap meet or flea market where I could move stuff?

Is it worth posting fly tying materials on the appropriate forum of this site, or is the audience too narrow?
I would avoid eBay, fees are way too high.

You could go to the PAFF Jam this year, and try to move a bunch of it there. Obviously, you'd be dealing with an interested audience, and face to face is always a good bet.

Jam info:,48779.html

The classifieds here are good, but you have to deal with shipping costs. Unless I could buy a large enough lot to amortize the shipping costs, it usually isn't worth it as a buyer to buy small lots, where shipping costs as much as, or more than, the goods.

I don't do Facebook, but I know a lot of guys look for deals there. Find your local town's classified or general interest page, or look for other relevant groups (local fishing, etc).

You could always use Craigslist again. It obviously worked for the last seller. Break stuff down into smaller lots of related items, price it fairly, and it will move.
Tying materials are mostly cheap to begin with so I personally don't buy used tying material for fear of getting moldy, smelly, bug infested stuff. Sell it as a lot just as you bought it and be done with it.
If there is a high school flyfishing club nearby, you could donate it to the young folks.

Or you could donate the whole lot to a Trout Unlimited club for a raffle at their banquet, for fundraising.

I do want to come meet all of you fine folks some year at the Jam. Unfortunately, this 25th anniversary year will not be the one due to a family wedding out of town that same weekend.

Thanks for the feedback guys.
If you are inclined to donate any materials, here's a worthy candidate:
I hadn't heard of that one, definitely worthy.

Or find your local Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing program and donate it. They are a certified non-profit, so it is a legitimate tax deduction.
I contacted Matt Seymour from Project Healing Waters and he and I are going to talk tomorrow. That will be a great place to start!

Give it away. Last winter I gave away probably $500 worth of fly tying material, tools, and hooks to a fellow who is much younger than me and will surely get more use out of it. I kept all the materials for the kind of flies I tie now and still have a couple of lifetimes of stuff left. He was very happy and it made me feel good.
Most likely you are stuck! I have in my lifetime bought out 2 sports shops. Good stuff will go at a reduced price. Odd lot and used will be 10 to 25 cents on the dollar. If you have to travel to sell, you might let those 2 young girls have it for projects and fun.

And yes all will want it for free but it will be gone through and anything of value will be taken before it hits the tables. And that my boy is the truth! I have found fly fishers are the greediest! Best of all you might get a thank you but don't count on anything more!

Did it and still do but realize I will be working with zero! 1 in ten will evolve to friendly terms!


If you're going to give it away, you might find a TU chapter or another group that hosts fly-tying classes who could use it. You might be able to donate some of the stuff to a group such as that. A donation to Project Healing Waters sounds like a good bet, too.

As for selling it, I am of absolutely no help. Sorry.
Well, I made a large donation to Project Healing Waters this morning. I took the time to inventory stuff yesterday; list attached for your amusement.


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Congratulations -- good choice.
No one ever became poor by giving. Solid work!
You picked a good charity Luke. Thank you!