"About Us"



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg

I get a corrupted content error when I click the "About Us" link under "Site Content" in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Here is the URL the link points to: http://www.paflyfish.com/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=265
Greg, sorry you got no reply. The link works for me, and I'm guessing it is working for most others because there has been no echo of the error. Is this resolved or is it continuing?

Maybe Dave fisxed it, but failed to comment.
I get the same error on my home and work PCs. Both computers use Firefox for the browser.


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I'll ask Dave to look into it. I do not use FF on this computer. Does this occur when logged in as well as logged out? Does it happen no matter what module you are in when you select the link? These answers may help Dave diagnose.

PS, even when I use the link you posted, I get the correct page for Dave's introduction.
my laptop runs ff and it connects to the correct page for me just now
Doesn't connect for me either, Alby, and I'm at work on IE.
Mysterious to say the least.
Wont for me either on IE than when i return to PAFF it says I am not allowed to access this page.
Its turned off so nobody can see it 'cept us special peeps. We will get it opened up soon as dkile says so.

shouldn't be too long. I removed the site content link "about us" to avoid any confusion. It will return when content is validated.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
You're welcome!
Should be all good now.
It's still invisible to us muggles Mo. Can't check the function of the link if I can't see it.
So the link I posted in the initial post does work now and it takes me to a functional "about us" page. However, the "about us" link that used to appear on every page is still missing in action.
Greg, I think you may have a previously cached page loading in your browser from when I had removed it. Its there for me when not logged in and when logged as a registered user.

try deleting your cookies and reload the site.
Thanks Mo, got it now.