A whooooooole lotta calamari



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
This is pretty exciting! A giant squid has been caught for the first time.

Scientists have theorized that this species existed, but this is the first live specimen filmed.
Pad, you can also watch a video of it on the comcast home page
Actually it's been a long time since the existence of giant squids was ever in doubt as scientists have known of the giant squid’s existence for some time because of the evidence on sperm whales while studying the whales. There have been many dead specimens washed up on shores of our oceans; one in Australia not long ago was about 60 feet in length. What they have never seen is a live specimen. This is a landmark in the world of marine science since the fresh specimen can now be studied, too bad it died.
The battles of sperm whales and giant squids are mythic, one can only imagine what they would be like, 2 of the largest carnivornes in the ocean fighting a life and death battle. I'd like to see it, but I don't want to be so close as to divert their attention to me. There is evidence that sperm whales did indeed attact whaling ships, the amount of force on the ship and mammal in such a collision is beyond comprehension, in the range of thousands of tons per square inch.
Where's Kirk Douglas when we need him? :cool: