A Summer Day in the Cumberland Valley



Active member
Jul 31, 2010
Put a pause on smallie fishing to get back to my fly-fishing beginnings. Cut my teeth on the CV spring creeks, and I don't always take the time to fish them as much as I used to. Hit a few different streams within 20 mins of Carlisle. Hoppers and caddis pupas were the ticket. Summer trouting at it's best!


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Beautiful pics - very nice.

To the extent that we really have genuine hopper fishing in PA, it's mainly in the CV spring creeks and that hopper season is just getting started.
What wonderful photos! Looks like you had the perfect day. I'm quite envious. Tight lines.

Very nice looking day! Love the CV limestoners. Cut my teeth there too. There's just something about a cold stream and watercress that makes me feel at home