A special christmas eve



Dec 20, 2011
Been awhile since i'v'e posted anything.

Decided to do something that to my knowledge i've never done...Fish on christmas eve!

Loaded my gear and headed for a stretch of class A water iv'e never fished but always wanted to.

Although i do quite a bit of winter fishing, banner days are few and far between. normally i average a couple a day at best.

Arrived at the stream and found it to be somewhat high and discolored due to yesterdays rain.

Dec 24th , and high water, and 1st time on a new stream, i wasn't exactly optimistic. And i'd forgotten to bring a thermometer along, so had no clue as to the water temp. But wow! air temp was sure spring like!

Tied on a bead head nymph, stripped out some line, rolled it across and up, completed the drift, rolled it back out in just a slightly different fold in the current and....wa, la! there he was! nice wild brownie about 12" give or take... hmmm not to bad for the second cast....

Fished for a couple hrs and managed to catch a trout every 15 min or so.... ranging from around 9" to 15"

Not to shabby for Dec 24th, high water and 1st time on a stream.

No doubt i'll be back.

Didn't have a camera along, just my old flip phone, so sorry no pics today....maybe next time.

Merry Christmas to all.
I fished today, too. Got out of work at around 1, was on the water at around 2:30. Had an amazing day on the stretch I hit about a week ago, and I figured today would be even better with higher temps and a bit more water. However, it was pretty bad. Got one on a streamer and that was it. I should be disappointed given that it's December, but this mild weather it spoiling me.

Regardless, pretty sweet to be fishing so much this time of year. Heres to global warming!