A softy tutorial



Aug 26, 2011

The purple and partridge. Its very simple soft hackle spider.


Hook- a dry or wet fly hook

Thread- Purple pearsalls gossamer silk thread.

Rib- Copper wire.

Abdomen- Thread

Thorax- J.Us H.S.U.V. High test blend

Hackle- Partridge, darker back feather.

Start your thread about two hook eyes back from the eye.

Tie your wire in and wrap back to the point. Nice touching turns all the way down.

Bring your thread back up. Nice touching turns.

Rib it, tie it off.

Dub yourself a thorax. Dont go big, keep it proportional.

Prepare your partridge feather. You want tips of about the same length. Tie it in by the tip, with the good side of the feather facing yourself. Clip the tip out of way. Then fold the partridge fibers back, stroke them nice and gently.

Then wrap the hackle. One turn right in front of the other. Tie it off and clip the stem.

Whip yourself a nice neat head. You now have a beautiful soft hackle spider.

Tight Ties

Johnny Utah
Johnny Utah. Great softy tutorial with quality pics.

But let me just give you one helpful pointer in return pal.
You need to be just like a mallard duck in the water on this forum. Just let all the negative peoples !!Ooops!! just roll off your back.

Thanks for showing and teaching us some great looking patterns.


Thank you zip. I will be the mallard. But no worries the gang has decided I'm dead to them and they are not going to look at my posts or say anything! In the hopes ill go away. It's shame but its probably best
I for one like your posts and enjoy your ties. Keep it up!
Thank you Ry, Will do Sir.
Thanks man. Great photos. I've been tying/working the soft-hackles a lot over the last couple years.

Does anybody fish them during winter? I used a Soft Hackle Hare's Ear last year with little to show for it. Went back to the nymphs.
Thank you, I fish soft hackles as trailer flies in the winter, fishing them with a dead drift. They get results.
JohnnyUtah wrote:
Thank you, I fish soft hackles as trailer flies in the winter, fishing them with a dead drift. They get results.

Yup. I tie a starling and purple. Same fly with darker (slate/black) soft hackle. It is a great winter - early spring fly.

Give a Pink and partridge or pink and starling a go. It produces well in fall and early winter.


My secret fall weapon. A simple north country spider in pink. The thread is pink silk, the rest is same as the purple above.
Great post. Just caught a nice rainbow on an orange and partridge yesterday during lunch. Very effective fly.
nice post simple and effective fly i might have to try that pink and partridge
Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for posting this!
Your welcome everyone! And thank you everyone! Be sure to check out my blog, I have lots of tying info on it.
I really appreciate your posts JU! Thanks for the patterns and tutorials!
Thank you Blackdog, Im glad you enjoy them. I will keep them coming. :).