A shout out to the Swappers



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
I received a package at my home today from FlyfishermanJ filled with close to two dozen flies from various swaps hosted by him this year. I would like to Thank Jason and all the swappers for their generosity in gifting these flies to me. I am quite impressed with the quality of the ties and hope to fish them soon. I will add that I usually don't fish flies I did not tie myself but I am proud to add these to my box.

This is a testament to the quality of the community at Paflyfish.

I salute you!

You're welcome, and if you are not going to fish them, you can then just send them to me :) I will PM you my address.
These I will fish. Lots of little yellow ones with wings and things.
Twice over the last two weeks I was asked for my address for flies to be sent my way as a token of appreciation to me as a moderator.

As a very lazy fly tyer and fly angler recently, I appreciate these gifts and gestures more than you know.

I received this week an ecclectic collection of dry and wet flies, from tiny sulfurs to a blue and white streamer. This set came from flyfishernanj and if I knew the appropriate thread, I would have posted my appreciations there. Thanks a lot, they will used and abused ASAP.

Thanks for the kinds words, but this was made possible by you and the other mods that keep this place running smooth. All I did was collect them for you guys, and I have started collecting another batch with the Holiday Swap. What I have received already look very fishable!!


Your welcome, and as I mentioned in Maurice's post, I have started collecting somemore for you guys.

I'd like to echo Jack's sentiment. I too have rec'd flies this week and will be forwarding them to Dave Kile.
Dave W
Also received an additional package from flyfishermanj of BWOs. Very nice flies and thanks again.
Me too, Thanks guys, nice ties! (bwo swap)