A Really Good Read on CV Limestoners



Well-known member
Jan 30, 2014
I remember when this article first came out and even though it is circa 1984, it was penned by Gerald Almy (Author of Tying and Fishing Terrestrials- excellent tying book) and provides some insight into how the CV Limestoners have evolved over time. Given the number of requests for information on those streams, this article provides plenty of helpful intel that is still quite useful today. Start at pg 13 and enjoy.

I remember that article.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
Wild trouter thank you for the article I justed fished Letort yesterday!
I haven't been to the CV in years, so this was a nice reminder of how things are/were there. Almy didn't mention that slogging along the Letort is physically tough, esp. for old guys like me.

As Dave W. said, the article gave me a chance to reflect on some nice memories. Thank you.
Hey, SCS, you didn't happen to find my net, did you?
laszlo i did not see a net, give me a location I will keep my eyes open, I gotta laugh I found an 8 track cassette on the ground and a guy playing a violin, never had come across that before!
I was a little upstream of Bonnybrook to downstream at the goddess statue
I remember that article and probably have that issue somewhere. I particularly like the picture of Otto’s on the first page of the article. I spent MANY hours sitting on those rocks, making coffee with my “coffee kit” while watching the water for risers…

…fond memories!!

In other Letort news:

The Central PA Conservancy (a great organization, BTW) was one of 52 other grant recipients this year to receive support from the PA Historical & Museum Commission and was awarded $34,672 for the restoration of the c. 1881 Melester Barn (now listed on the National Register of Historic Places) and associated 1820’s springhouse.

They are central structures at CPC's Letort Spring Garden Preserve, a former watercress farm located at the headwaters of the Letort. The grant will cover roof rehabilitation, carpentry, masonry, painting, and renovation of the springhouse. Overall, the project will have far-reaching impact in fostering an appreciation for local heritage, a primary goal for the new nature preserve that offers year-round access to the public.

Is the wooden barrier still in place on Big Spring to keep the Browns and Rainbows out?